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Mingyu's POV

My eyes were blurry...
I opened them to see the presence of Jeonghan waking me up.

I liked how he always has to wake me up with a soft voice.

"Mingyu sunbae-nim wakey wakey~"

I chuckled at his sentence.

"Ne~" I sat up from my bed, ready to make breakfast. I always had to do it cuz nobody in this apartment knows how to cook than me.

I had to wake hoshi up too which is what I hate the most because he extends his sleeping.

I didn't bother waking him up now, my day started out great and I don't wanna ruin it.

I made coffee with a smile and I don't know why...

"In a good mood today huh?" Jeonghan hyung stated.

"Mhm~." I then hummed a song which is my favorite. 'Healing'.

I noticed a half awake Soonyoung still on the stairs while rubbing his eyes.

"Omo! Is this for real?! You woke up by yourself! I'm proud of you!"
I chuckled.

"Shhh my day started out great so shushhh~" He said with his morning voice.

"Soonyoung, take a bath now we're going to get groceries"

Jeonghan hyung didn't receive any answer from Soonyoung so he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his body and pushed him into the bathroom.

I laughed at his actions and I was glad that Hoshi didn't argue with him. This day must be something huh?


We finished our groceries now. We just sat here and ate whatever in the foodcourt.

I remembered I had to make another account to apologize to what happened, I don't want to ruin my image.

What do you know? Maybe he'll spread to everyone that 'don't chat with this guy, he's weird...' and he might have said that to the persons I know and maybe they'll avoid me for being weird.


'Uygnim' heh I'm tired of thinking a name so I just flipped it 😁.

Jeon Wonwoo
Active Now》

Ugh lyric pranking him again is so tempting...

'No Mingyu! You already told yourself to apologize to him..'

Uygnim: uhm hi?

Wonwoo: hello?

Uygnim: I was that Mingyu guy that chatted you...

Wonwoo: oh..

Uygnim: no please don't block me again.

Wonwoo: what if I did?

Uygnim: no don't! I made another account just to say sorry 😅

Wonwoo: okay?

Uygnim: It was just a dare.


Uygnim: sorry 😅

Wonwoo: then why me of all people?

Uygnim: uhm they told me to pick a random account so I chose you.

Wonwoo: okay..

Uygnim: so yeah can you unblock me now?

Wonwoo: just don't do anything weird.

Uygnim: okay..?

Jeon Wonwoo has logged out

Uygnim: mwehehehe 😈

Uygnim has logged out


I'm loving this XD

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