XII: The Zaha-Katchem

Bắt đầu từ đầu

ITO: You're going to let a glorified computer do your thinking for you?

CHEN: Maybe the Air Force just isn't as smart as you Star Fleet admirals. Maybe you should give the orders from your space stations. You should suggest that to the President. In the meantime, don't tell me how to do my job.

ITO: It will be your fault if people die!

[End Transcript]

Diplomatic Dispatch: 07/24/2175

Ambassador Dumarith-President Yan An-Sing: I am watching the arrival of the black probe. Is your military responding to its arrival? What sort of risk is expected for the city? If necessary, I would like to begin arrangements for evacuations as soon as possible. End dispatch.

07/24/2175: Transmission Sent Icarus Station: O Earth: 07/24/2175: Transmission Received TSS Katsumoto BCC 1011

Begin Transmission

Captain Agami, prepare a precision missile launch targeted at the black probe. Arm a single tactical warhead with the same target. Await my order to fire. Admiral Nobuyuki Ito, authorization A73FTR20.

End Transmission

Personal Communication: From President Yan An-Sing: To Admiral Nobuyuki Ito: 07/24/2175: Translated by Zhou Hanshen-Yao

Admiral Ito, you are not authorized to launch a preemptive strike against the black probe. Order the battlecruiser Katsumoto to stand down its weapons.

Signed, Yan An-Sing, President of the Terran Hegemony

Personal Communication: From Ambassador Dumarith: To Praetor Almarith: 07/24/2175: Translated by Shenmarizh

My lord Praetor,

An unidentified probe from the black ship approaches the Terran capital as we speak. I have asked the Terran President what sort of threat this device poses but have received no reply. Having no eagerness to die in the event that the probe proves to be a missile, I have ordered my diplomatic staff to relocate to the embassy in Tokyo. Please have some military ready to transport myself and my staff to Yveran in case the black ship decides to eradicate Earth, as well as ample military resources to avenge it if necessary.

Dumarith, Ambassador of the Grushan Federation

Official Transcript: HNN News Update: 07/24/2175

LERMAN: Welcome back to this breaking news story. We have been following the arrival of the black probe to Earth. Since it entered Earth atmosphere it has maintained a steady flight path to Beijing. However, the President and Vice President and members of congress have not yet been evacuated. The Air Force continues to monitor the probe's progress in high alert status. We have had no statement from the Terran Military Command or the Terran Interstellar Authority as to the nature of the probe or its intentions. Again, the President and members of congress have not been evacuated from the city. We are getting word that the Grushan ambassador Dumarith and his staff are leaving the city in Grushan cargo helicopters provided by his government, and the Grushan diplomatic corps has released a statement to Grushan businessmen and women as well as Grushan citizens in Beijing advising them that they had asked for details regarding the probe from the TIA and the TMC but received no reply and urging them to leave the city. Many Grushan are following the ambassador's message. However, Terran citizens have received no such warnings from the President or the military. The black probe is expected to reach Beijing in approximately ten minutes.

2175 C.E.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ