Abnormal Beginnings

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Holding tightly to my 5-year old's hand, I stood outside the pub in a dimly lit street. Bikes littered the sidewalk, all laid up against the tan brick walls of the building. It was a clear night out and the streets were quiet. Not long past 7 o'clock and it seemed already an abnormal night.

I took in a breath of the cool air and stashed the crumpled piece of paper in my coat pocket. It wasn't a heavy coat or a particularly nice one. Slightly old and well-worn pale blue that reached just below my knees.

"Alright then, it's now or never isn't it Charlie?" I smile down at my son who was standing patiently gripping a light brown teddy bear to his torso. It had once been white. His coat and knickers weren't high quality or expensive, but they were much nicer then the clothes I wore. This child was my pride and joy, it was most important to me that he looked well kept even if that meant that I didn't.

He squeezes my hand with a bright smile and pulls me with him to the door. I open it to a warm atmosphere, ushering young Charlie in. He moved towards the coat rack and begins to take his off, setting the bear, lovingly named Teddy, on the ground. I remove mine and grab his as he bends down for the bear. Hanging the coats up, I glance around the room of moving bodies and low yet boisterous chatter. Maybe he wasn't here yet or maybe I had missed him. No, I had to think positively because this was my only chance.

"Charlie, love, see that booth over there?" I bend down to his height and point quickly in the direction of a booth along the east side of the room.

"Go sit with Teddy over there. I'll get us something to drink, alright?"

I smooth his hair as he nods and moves quickly towards the booth. I stand up and straighten my blouse before moving towards the bar. I glance back once more to check that Charlie was settled. The bartender acknowledged me.

"What would you like, love?" he asks as he places a glass of scotch down for a man who looks a bit down.

"One cola and a water, please."

He nods and quickly starts pouring our drinks. I rummage through my coin purse finding the amount I need. I look up just as a man walks up beside me with a beautiful blonde woman beside him. They were laughing and talking quietly, so I paid them little mind. The bartender, which the man beside me called Norman just seconds before, placed my drinks on the counter and thanked me before swiping the change off the counter and turning his focus to the couple. I nod and grab the glasses but when I turned around Charlie wasn't sitting at the booth.

"Charles," came out in a panicked whisper. In my panic, I turned to scan the room, my elevated heartbeat caused my hands to shake. The glass of water slipped right out of my hand before I could set it back on the counter.

"Woaah!" The man beside me had quickly leaned down to grab the glass not too long after it left my hand. "Don't want to break one of these." He looked at me with a kind smile as he placed the glass and the other one he grabbed out of my hand on the counter.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I just—" I look around again and he grabs my arm gently. I was very appreciative that he saved me a lot of hassle, but my son was still missing. I turn back to him about to snap at him and he holds his hands up defensively, "I'm sorry, I just think we've found who you're looking for."

He moves so that I have a full view of Charlie glancing up at the man and holding onto the skirt of his partner. The relief that washed over me nearly brought tears to my eyes. I quickly bent down and took hold of his hand that gripped her skirt. "Charlie you can't just move around like that. You nearly gave mommy a heart attack." He bit his bottom lip and whispered a sorry before pointing up at the man. I look up at the pair.

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