Chapter Two - Just a Dream

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        A few days later, I received the anticipated call from the doctor. All clear. In fact, my levels were damn near perfect. The doctor advised that I just be happy with these new changes in my body and accept them. As far as he could tell, I was perfectly healthy and I should enjoy life without worry.

        My husband, Kyle, was incredibly supportive and understood how worried I was. He was concerned as well because he noticed how quickly I was changing. He of all people knew I wasn't busting my ass at the gym or eating celery for lunch. After we got word from the doctor though, he kept assuring me that everything was fine and I'd be alright. Slowly, I began to let that sink in.

        That evening, after dinner, I went for a run. It was a dark, moonless night. I figured my fear of the dark would push me to run faster. I wasn't sure I could actually run, but it was something I had always wanted to do. To my surprise, it was easy and exhilarating. I finally felt free. Free from my health problems. Free from my insecurities. Free from worry.

        I ran down the the lake and out onto the pier. We lived in a nice, lakeside, community in a suburb of Austin, Texas. As I stood on the pier, cooling down and steadying my breathing, I noticed something off in the distance.

        A light seemed to be bouncing off of the water's surface. It was in front of me, maybe fifty yards away. I thought perhaps it was a group of fireflies though I could never recall seeing fireflies out among the water before. As I watched the light dance around I began to feel sleepy. Clearly, I was not ready to run as much as I had and over exerted myself. I sat down on the dock and pulled my phone from the zippered pocket of my athletic shorts. 8:30pm. The time would be changing in a few days and I thought about how nice it will be to run while the sun is setting.

        I guess I drifted off to sleep because the next thing I remember was waking up on the peir. I felt really cold. The wind from the lake was rather chilly in the spring air. I glanced at my phone. Five texts and 3 missed calls from Kyle. It was 9:45pm.

        "Oh my God!" I screamed as I shot up from the wooden pier. I opened my messages while walking back toward the bank.

        Headed back yet? I'm ready to watch some more OITNB! :)

        Evelyn, you ok? It's 9:05, you said you'd just go for a quick run.

        9:30 why aren't you answering?

        Getting freaked out now, I'm about to wake up Caroline and come looking for you.

        Honey, please answer me :(

        I called him as I started jogging back home.

        "Hey babe, man, I really don't know what happened. I ran down to the lake and I was out on the pier. I felt sleepy and I guess I just passed out. Maybe I should slowly work up to this whole running thing. I'll be home in about five minutes. I'm sorry, I love you."

        He was relieved to hear I was okay and thought it was pretty hilarious that I passed out on the pier. I quickly showered while he made popcorn and set Netflix up on the Wii U in the living room. We were really getting into the show Orange is the New Black. I always loved watching shows with Kyle. We had practically everything in common so we always liked the same shows. As much as I wanted to watch like three more episodes, I was really tired from my run.

        "Come on, babe, just one more? Pleeeease?" My adorable husband begged as he followed me into the bathroom where I had already started brushing my teeth.

      "No, I'm sorry, but I'm so tired. I'll fall asleep if we watch another one and I don't want to miss anything." I said with a mouthful of foamy toothpaste.

        "Ok. I guess that also means no after show party?" He said with a wink as he reached his arms around me.

        "Yes, it most certainly means that!" I replied after rinsing my mouth. I gave him a good long kiss just to tease him.

        "You're evil, you know? I'm glad you're back to being playful and happy again though. My beautiful Evie." He said as we climbed into bed. He kissed me on the forehead and laid back on his pillow.

        He'd be snoring in five minutes and I would be left wide awake thinking about life. No matter how tired I am, I find myself over thinking the stupidest little things at night. My mind went back to what I saw at the lake. What was that strange light? Did I seriously pass out for over an hour and just lay there on the pier? Am I REALLY okay? Question after question entered my mind. Eventually, I fell asleep....but not for long.


           "OH MY GOD! NO, NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs. I was sweating and shaking. Tears were streaming down my face and my hair was soaked.

      "Baby....honey, calm down. Just a bad dream. It's okay! It's alright...I'm here." Kyle was desperately trying to calm me down. He was holding onto me as I trembled and cried.

        "Just a dream? A nightmare. Oh my was horrible. Felt so real." I continued to cry.

        "What was it? What happened?" He asked as he flipped on the nightstand lamp.

        "I was taken somewhere by...something...someone. They...had me on a table...I was so cold and scared. I can't really see their faces. They are telling me to calm down...I hear them in my head. I can't see their faces." I started to feel sick at my stomach.

        "Baby, who? What do you mean you were taken?" He was starting to worry.

        "Oh no. There was...someone else there. A man...young....well, like our age. He was in the same room. He was screaming like me. We made eye contact...I knew him. Oh my God." It hit me like a punch in the stomach. This nightmare was the worst I'd ever had. The emotions were so real.

        "Well, who was the guy? Someone I know?" Kyle questioned.

        "It was....Toby Turner." I said and slowly looked up at him. His face was working hard to stay straight and concerned, but I saw the smile in his eyes and knew what was about to happen.

        "Toby Turner? The guy from Youtube who acts like a total idiot?" He was laughing so hard. "Babe, it was just a nightmare. A very random nightmare at that."

        "Yeah...just a nightmare. What time is it?" I suddenly felt embarrassed for making such a scene.

        "3:34am...try and go back to sleep, honey. I love you."

        "I love you too."

        Toby Turner. Why was he just in my freakishly crazy nightmare? I thought to myself. He was a YouTube Creator who I absolutely adored, unbeknownst to my husband. I usually watched his videos, and YouTube in general, while Kyle was at work. I tried to get him to see how talented and funny Toby was, but it was the one thing we didn't really agree on. Maybe Kyle was slightly jealous. I don't know.

        I closed my eyes and tried to remove the scenes from my mind. One image was burning hard into my mind. Toby was on a table several feet parallel to me. He was screaming like I was. Hearing him cry out like that made my stomach turn. I know I had to have sounded just as desperate. He turned and we made eye contact. His eyes were wide with fear and full of tears.

        But, it was only a nightmare. Right?



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