Chapter 2

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I immediately ran over to Seungcheol, with tears in my eyes. He was lying with his back on the sidewalk, his collar ripped from being grabbed, and his eyes closed. He heard me and sighed when I came over to him.

"Are you okay?" He took a deep breath and lifted himself off the sidewalk so he could face me.

"I'm fine really. I have to go home now. I'm sorry you had to see that. Please go back inside." He sounded stressed.

"If you're going to walk home, let me walk you home." When I suggested this he vigorously shook his head.

"No. It's okay, I'll go by myself. Don't worry about me."

Instead of responding I took him by the wrist and began to drag him back to my house. Why would anyone do this to him? He was a good person, and as far as I was concerned, he had been in many fights before, but he was never the one to start them. So why did this happen?

I brought him through the front door and to the basement bathroom, where all the first aid kits were kept. I sat him down on the toilet, and he hung his head, obviously in pain. I lifted his chin up to see how bad he was hurt, and when I saw it I gasped. His jaw was swollen and his lip wouldn't stop bleeding. I shook my head, still in awe of why anyone would do this, and he hung his head again, this time as if he'd done something wrong.

"Seungcheol why did this happen? Who did this to you?" He wasn't looking at me still, I assumed because his jaw hurt and it was hard to lift his head.

He shook his head slightly. Then he spoke, quietly, but just loud enough so that I could hear him.

"All you need to know is that someone didn't like the idea of us being seen togeth-OW," he yelled because I had put hydrogen peroxide on his cut lip. It had stopped bleeding so after I cleaned his lip I handed him an ice pack for his swollen jaw.

"Who was it Seungcheol. You have to have seen their face. It seemed like they knew who you were, but maybe they were mistaken. He said something about a deal." When he heard the word "deal" he flinched.

"I don't know who it was," he nearly whispered. But when I looked at his face, he looked as if he was having a hard time believing what he said. He had tears in his eyes.

I decided not to push him any further, since it seemed as if he'd been through enough. In this moment I felt selfish and conflicted, because I wasn't sure what to do to make him feel better. If this situation had been the other way around, he'd know exactly what to do. He'd sing to me. He knew I liked his voice, it was very pretty, but he didn't sing often for anyone, so him singing to me was somewhat special.

We were still in the bathroom, Seungcheol holding an ice pack to his jaw, and me cleaning up the first aid kit. When I was finished I checked my watch. It was almost 11 and too late for Seungcheol to go home.

"You can't go home at this time, so I'll give you a change of clothes and you can spend the night in the guest room."

He got up and shook his head.

"I don't want to cause you any more trouble. You've done more than enough." After he finished his sentence he winced. I could tell his jaw was bothering him quite a bit.

"I'll get you a change of clothes." I put the first aid kit back in the cabinet and he grabbed my wrist with his left hand, his right hand still holding the ice pack to his face. His entire face radiated pain.

"Y/N please let me go home, I don't want to cause any more trouble. I have to leave." 

And before I could say anything else, he had handed me his ice pack and walked up the basement stairs. I heard the front door slowly creak open, and then slam shut.

He was gone.

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