35- Partner and Lover

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My anxiety had hit a whole new level as I stepped into the throne room, with Lhiam clutching my hand in his own. I wanted nothing more than to shrink back, hide behind him, shift into my wolf and run away with my tail between my legs.

But Lhiam deserved more from a mate. From a lover. A partner.

He deserved a strong, courageous husband who stood beside him. And gods help me, I would be that husband if it killed me.

And from the glares I was getting from Stefan and a few of the other men beside him, I thought it just might.

When Lhiam reached the throne, he turned to the small crowd— many of which I recognized, some I didn't— and held our joined hands up, the ring glinting brightly on my left ring finger.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. I would like to introduce to you my fiancé and future husband, and your future Prince Consort, Edon Wolfe."

I almost choked at the ridiculous surname he had given me, but the smirk on his face told me he was finding far too much amusement in the name.

There was silence in the room, broken only when a squeal of excitement broke through the crowd, and then Lacy was all but tackling me, little Tay and a few other children close on her heel.

How had she even snuck them all in?

I returned her enthusiastic hug, pulling Tay up into my arms as well, holding his excitedly squirming body as tight as I dared, just as one of the men I recognized took a step forward.

"Your Highness," Rafael said firmly, his voice carrying through the hall, as I'm sure he intended. This was the man who had been one of only a few threats the time Lhiam had brought me with him to a council meeting as a guard.

He now watched me with knowing eyes and a hint of a smile in his cold, stoic eyes.

"I think I speak for the majority of your people when I bid you congratulations on your engagement. May your marriage bring you and Mr. Wolfe many years of happiness!"

A few murmurs of agreement filled the room, until there was a loud clapping starting from where I could see Dasan, Nibley, Robert, Tate, and a few of the other men I had spent time with in both my wolf and human forms. Even Cain met my eyes, nodded, and his lip twitched in what I assumed was a possible smile.

I had never been this happy. I felt accepted, loved. Wanted.

But the child in my arms demanded my attention, grabbing my hair and yanking hard while he cried out, "Daddy! Doggie, Daddy!"

I dug my face into his hair, holding him to me as he clutched me back, and whispered into his ear so softly, praying only he heard.

"I'll never let you go, little one. I promise. You're safe now. You're not alone anymore. I'll take care of you."

But when I looked up at Lhiam, meeting his eyes with a hint of trepidation, his smile lit up my chest until I could feel nothing but his love and devotion.

His kiss over Tay's head— over our son's head— was so tender, so gentle, I felt tears dripping from my eyes. And the rest of the world seemed to fall away as we were soon surrounded by friends and well wishers. And the few who opposed our joining were forgotten in the midst of the support and happiness we were overwhelmed with.

Wild Magic One: By the Light of the Moon-- A Wolf Shifter M/M RomanceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora