A Dragons Rage

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"Vinseir! That stunt you pulled nearly killed him!" A voice said as you woke to a strange place. "Oh go to hell Amot! He wanted to kill Riser, I just gave him the power to do it!" Vinseir said back. You looked up from the grassy plains to see two absolutely massive dragons before you, one stood over you protectively, while the other paced back and forth. "He's awake Amot, so stop worrying!" Vinseir snapped, the black dragon with white eyes staring directly at you, the white dragon bowed its head and looked at you, it had the same eyes as you! You reached out and grabbed onto the nose of the dragon giggling. "I havent seen you in 17 years Y/n, but I have watched you grow into the man you are now." Amot said laughing as you moved your hand up and down his nose. "And look at the power he has! Why should we not use it!" Vinseir pitched in, he took several steps forward towards you. "Back! Remember what the lady of dragons said! We are to help him along his way! Not posses him! Or kill him!" Amot hissed extending his head towards Vinseir, and lowering his body protectively. "It would help him! And that you dont understand! Power is the key!" Vinseir hissed back. "Enough you two!" A third voice called. "Protectors, an honor to see you, as always." Amot said bowing his head respectfully. You looked where he was bowing his head to and saw, much to your amazement. "Christina! Jack!" You yelled running to them. They embraced you kindly, Christina was the nurse who had helped you out all those years ago, and now she worked with the Hunters, as a Doctor. "It is good to see you again Y/n, my you have grown!" Christina said looking up into your eyes, you smiled at her until a thought entered your mind. "Wait, protectors?" You asked confused. "Protectors of Dragons, a title we have carried for a millennia." Jack said bending down. "So you knew?" You asked, they nodded. "All this time! and you never told me! What if I was the reason my guardians were killed! Because of me!" You yelled stepping away. Turning, then breaking into a run. Jack and Christina started forward after you but were stopped. "Amot let us through!" Jack yelled as he tried to get over Amot's scaled neck. "He must find himself, do not worry." Amot said, he nodded to Vinseir, who turned and took to the air.

"Y/n, they could not have told you." Vinseir said landing next to you and changing into a human form. "Why? Whats so special that I cant be told!" You shouted, angry with the two people you thought of as parents. " They took an oath, a long time ago." Vinseir said slowly. You looked up. "From who?" You asked looking up at him. Vinseir took a long time to answer, he stared into the sky. "Look if you don't want to tell me thats fine, I just am so angry that I am always being lied to! I can never find out who I really am." You said standing up and starting to walk away. "Your father." Vinseir said suddenly. "Excuse me what?" you said turning back. "your body may be from the Greeks, but who you are, who truly gave you life.... your father.... he is a great dragon, extremely powerful, though you will be greater, given time." Vinseir explained turning back, his white iris made him look extremely wise. "Why would you tell me? Dont you just want to possess me?" You asked looking into his eyes. "I would love to give you the power, but now that Amot is awake I cant do anything, damn that brother of mine." Vinseir said making you laugh. "And kid... I dont even know what I am, no one knows who they truely are, because we are always changing." Vinseir said looking to the sun. "Y/n!" Amot called, you ran up the small hill, Vinseir turning back to his dragon form. "We have a problem, and Im sure you'll want to hear about it." Amot said, looking worried. "Oh no, what is it?" You asked looking up. "Since you were forced to retreat.... Riser won, and now he's presenting Rias as his bride." Amot said, you flared. "I wont lose this time." You said taking a step forward, your armor springing up all over your body. "Y/n." Jack called, you looked at him disapprovingly as you walked to Amots neck. "Jack, why dont you just go back to the Hunters.... and stay as far away from me as possible." You said coldly. Then smacked Amots neck, making him jump into the air and through a portal

(NOTE: Normally here I would stop, but since I feel like beating a record of 5000 words, lets make this a extreme chapter.) 

You came out of the portal in a area you did not recognize, it looked like a castle of sorts. "The underworld, we have not been here in years. " Amot started, you all landed and approached a gate. Amot lowered his neck and you slid down. They changed into human forms walking beside you. "Are you ready?" Amot asked. You nodded, looking behind you. "And what of you? I thought  I could use your power as I did before?" You asked. Vinseir shook his head. "That was when I was possessing you, something I will never do again." Vinseir said, you nodded walking forward. Guards attempted to stop you at the gate. "I am Lady Rias's Champion, let me through!" You demanded. "We can not do that, traitor!" the guards yelled charging forward, they were caught by Amot and Vinseir, who threw them down without mercy. "HOLD!" You called, approaching. "What do you mean traitor?" you asked. "You forfetted the match! Even after you broke the rules to get in there!" The guard stuttered. "I did not forfeit, I was forced to secede, unless you would have enjoyed everyone else dying, even with your devil magic that still would have killed them, or worse." You explained. The Guard looked confused. "Lord Riser has taken Rias to be his bride, you must hurry!" Another guard said running from the gates. "And what of the others? Surely they couldnt allow this!" You asked. "They are here, Issei Hyodo was subdued just a minute ago for trying to attack Riser!" The guard explained. "Dammit Issei!" You cursed running forward. Through the halls, until you reached a last door. Dozens of guards surrounded this door. "Let me." Vinseir said as he walked past, armor suddenly sprung to Vinseir, and he plowed through the guards, Amot wore white armor with blue gems. He cleaned the rest up. Leaving the door wide open. "Ready my lord?" Vinseir asked, his black armor still around him. You nodded and they kicked the door down. "Again!" Riser asked looking to the door, he must have recognized you as you walked in, more guards approached. "What are you doing here!" Riser demanded. "I made a promise to Rias, that I would protect my family, and I broke that promise... I hurt my own family, so now I must fix that." You said stepping forward. "HALT YOUR ATTACK!" A guard demanded. "VINSEIR, AMOT! Clear the way!" you called, the two rushed forward and attacked, decimating the guards. "I-it cant be! Those two working together!" Sirzechs said looking amazed. "The Dragon of the Sun and the Dragon of the Abyss, once enemies, but now they work together, for me!" You yelled. "KILL HIM!" Riser demanded. You held your hand up to stop Vinseir and Amot. "Sirzechs! Remember your promise!" you yelled. Sirzechs smiled stepping forward. "I do remember Y/n.... Elemental Dragon." He said bowing slightly. "Then will you keep your word! Or are you a coward!" You yelled. "I will keep my word this day, Riser, as it was promised, Y/n wishes for single combat against you. Your honor demands you partake, but it is your choice." Sirzechs said glancing over to you while speaking. "Riser, will not-" "Coward." You said smirking. That visibly irritated Riser. "Riser will partake in this battle, and the boy will die." Riser said, suddenly Vinseir and Amot changed, becoming Lokai bracelets on your wrists. "Our power is yours Y/n, use us when you wish." They said in unison. "Are you ready Y/n?" Sirzechs asked. "Is that really a question?" you asked smirking. "Y/n, please dont get hurt!" Rias yelled, you smiled at her giving her a thumbs up. "Dont worry about me." you said as you were moved to a arena. 

(Postponed) A True Bolt Of Lightning (Akeno x Male Reader) Highschool Dxd FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang