Blood Promise

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When you woke the next day Duke was gone. "Thats odd?" You said as you sat up, still fully clothed you stood up and walked around, then heard the whining of a dog. "Duke!" You cried running into the bathroom, Akeno sat beside the bathtub as Duke looked at you with begging eyes. "What the hell Akeno!" You asked approaching. "I told you to give him a bath, he's filthy." Akeno said angry. She scrubbed one of his ears ruffly. "Hey hey, careful, he's never had a bath before." You said sitting down next to her and showing her how to give him a bath, you reached over as Duke wouldn't give up his tail, he turned and bit into your arm, he latched on. "Duke, release!" You demanded, Duke looked at his bite marks in your arm, golden blood slowly starting to drip down, he whined and licked the arm next to the blood. "I know buddy, your just scared, its not your fault." You said stroking his head as you stood up and cleaned the bite, disinfecting it before returning to Akeno, the bandage you found stopping any blood. "See bud, its all right now! Dont be sad!" you said petting Duke softly, he whined as Akeno scrubbed his back. You smiled and held his jaws closed as you grabbed the tail, washed it gently then let it fall back. Duke then decided it would be a great idea to to shake himself. He shook violently, sending water everywhere. "EHH! BUDDY! DUKE!" You said protecting your face, Duke stopped and you looked at your shirt. "Well shit, looks like im changing, how bad did he get you Ak- woah." you said staring, Akeno was completely soaked, her bra clearly visible. You looked up to see Akeno blushing red and you braced yourself for a smack. "At least you finally pay attention to me." Akeno said, you smiled, then laughed. "You alright Akeno? I have a spare shirt if you want one?" You asked, Akeno smiled and shook her head. "Well I should finish this." You said standing, you grabbed your shirt and pulled it off, ringing it out over Duke. You looked down to see Akeno staring. 

"Like what you see?" You asked laughing slightly. She blushed  dark red and turned away. You sat down and picked Duke's front legs up, washing his stomach. Suddenly you heard a rustling and turned your head to see Akeno  take off her top revealing herself in only a bra. She caught your gaze and giggled. "You act so naive, what have you never seen a woman like this?" She asked, you touched your nose and brought it back, golden blood had started flowing. You wiped it clean and looked back to Akeno moving closer, she pinned you against the bathtub and laid her body against yours, she smiled at you, you smiled back and pulled her close. 

Her lips met yours, you were reminded of Artemis's kiss and pulled Akeno closer, her waist right over your waist, her breast squishing against your chest. You pulled apart and took a deep breath, then before she could speak you brought her back in for another round, your tongue fully exploring the new area which it found, Akeno squealed when you squeezed her sides and the look in her eyes changed, she became more active, her tongue pressing against yours again and again, desperate for victory, she squealed in delight when you let her in, then made a new sound when you pressed your teeth against her tongue playfully, it was almost a moan. "Ahem! Am I interrupting something?" a voice asked, you broke apart to see Rias standing over you angrily, everyone else in shock behind her. 

"Ahem, Hello Rias!" You said cheerfully, then you turned and drained the water Duke was sitting in, took him out and started drying him. Rias stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. The faces of Kiba and Koneko told you this was a bad sign. Rias turned to you with a angry face. "So.... who wants to explain?" She asked crossing her arms, you looked to the window, it was an option if this went south. "I fell onto him, it kind of just kept going after that." Akeno said looking at the ground. "No, no it was my fault I initiated it! She fell but I pulled her close to me, then I kissed her. Im sorry Rias it won't happen again." You said taking the blame. "I really wish I hadnt closed my link with you Y/n... sadly I dont trust you or Akeno at the moment.... but since I feel like Akeno would be the one to try this I will go with her to blame." Rias said, Akeno stood silently, you grabbed her hand. "She may have initiated it but I sure as hell didnt help, punish me instead!" You said pulling her behind you so you were face to face with Rias. Rias scowled and then sighed. "Your honor is admirable Y/n, but your too proud, thinking you can take everything isnt going to help you most of the time, however." Rias paused looking you up and down. She smirked. "I think I will only make you clean the bathes.... both of you." Rias said smiling, your eyes must have widened with shock because she smiled. "I will be watching you two to make sure nothing happens." Rias said, you looked at the ground. Akeno however whined in response. "Why cant you just go and leave us alone?" She asked, this side of Akeno surprised you, normally she went with whatever Rias said, this however was a rebellious little lightning queen. "Because I am your master and I cant have you two having make out sessions in the bathroom!" Rias said raising her voice. "Yes President." you said in unison, then you turned and dried off Duke to where he was fluffy and walked out. 

(Postponed) A True Bolt Of Lightning (Akeno x Male Reader) Highschool Dxd FanficWhere stories live. Discover now