Episode 4

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[Setting: Nightclub]

JERRY: Went out to dinner the other night. Check came at the end of the meal, as it always does. Never liked the check at the end of the meal system, because

money's a very different thing before and after you eat. Before you eat money has no value. And you don't care about money when you're hungry, you sit down at a

restaurant. You're like the ruler of an empire. "More drinks, appetizers, quickly, quickly! It will be the greatest meal of our lives." Then after the meal, you know,

you've got the pants open, you've got the napkins destroyed, cigarette butt in the mashed potatoes - then the check comes at that moment. People are always upset,

you know. They're mystified by the check. "What is this? How could this be?" They start passing it around the table, "Does this look right to you? We're not hungry

now. Why are we buying all this food?!"

[Setting: Coffee Shop] JERRY: I think Superman probably has a very good sense of humor.

GEORGE: I never heard him say anything really funny.

JERRY: But it's common sense. He's got super strength, super speed.. I'm sure he's got super humor.

GEORGE: You would think that, but either you're born with a sense of humor, or you're not. It's not going to change even if you go from the red sun of Krypton all

the way to the yellow sun of the Earth.

JERRY: Why? Why would that one area of his mind not be affected by the yellow sun of Earth?

GEORGE: I don't know but he ain't funny.

(Elaine joins them, they check their watches.)

ELAINE: I know, I know. I'm sorry I'm late.

JERRY: No problem.

ELAINE: I dropped a grape.

GEORGE: Pardon?

ELAINE: I dropped a grape in the kitchen and it disappeared. I couldn't find it. I was... I was literally on my knees for ten minutes looking for this stupid grape. I

have no idea where it went.

JERRY: Were you crying? I mean, it's just a grape. You'll find it.

ELAINE: No, I'm just getting over an allergy attack. This guy I'm going out with -

JERRY: Robert.

ELAINE: Robert. Yes.. thank you. He has two cats and I'm allergic to them. You know, I finally meet a normal man, and I can't even go into his apartment, you

know. And, of course, my apartment is the actor's studio so we can't go there. It's really causing a lot of problems, you know. He won't even go away fro the

weekend because of these cats.

GEORGE: Guys with cats.. I don't know.

JERRY: I've been thinking about asking this girl I'm, uh, seeing -

ELAINE: Vanessa.

JERRY: Vanessa, thank you.. I've been thinking about asking her to go away for a couple of days.

GEORGE: Oh no. No, no,no,no,no. I'd have to advise against that. What do you know this woman, a month? Let's see, you're going to be with her seventy-two

hours. That's a dating decathlon.

ELAINE: (balancing a spoon on her nose) Hey, why don't you take her to that place in Vermont I was telling you about? You know, that really charming place with

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