Finale Part 2

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I was trying to see if I could distract Herobrine into hitting one of his own monsters. I was moving around and I stayed in range of the Demolisher first. It was tricky at first because I had to think fast what I was going to do if the alpha monsters tried hitting me while Herobrine is fighting me at the same time. I was focusing hard that my eyes were kinda hurting. Herobrine stopped my movement however by bumping into me. Herobrine stood between the alpha boss's and me. I didn't know if he knew what I was doing, but I had to stay wary and watch for myself. I heard a huge thud on the ground. I see the Goliath Enderman was down first. It seemed as though Kenji and Sumiko studied the attack pattern of the Goliath Enderman well or probably just that they wouldn't fall for the same trick it tried doing to us. The hardest monster taking down was probably the Reaper Skeleton. It's attacking stance, pattern and attacks are unexpectedly troubling. The Reaper Skeleton had intelligence. It uses its arrows to keep the distance between us and itself. However, THUD! Misaki got shot right where the left side of her abdominals were. She collapsed and blood started spilling massively fast. Herobrine grabbed me though and held me in a choke pose with his scythe.

"Why don't we watch and enjoy the show?" Herobrine commented.

I tried shaking him off, but I couldn't budge. The Reaper Skeleton immediately took out its scythe and went to finish off Misaki. The Reaper Skeleton was terribly fast. I saw the Reaper Skeleton was ready to finish off Misaki. All my friend's eyes and mines opened wide. I was about to freak out and cry. SLASH! I hear the sound of a grunt of a male. I saw a male figure with his right arm chopped off. Hisoka was standing between the Reaper Skeleton and Misaki. He fell down to his knees. The Reaper Skeleton fell back and readied to finish Hisoka and Misaki with arrows at the distance. I didn't know what came out of me.



Kenji and I went into our hidden potential form. My hair really was light light brown. Kenji's hair was like dark brown, dark red or something. I broke free of Herobrine's grip and Kenji and I went for the Reaper Skeleton. I went in front of Hisoka and Misaki just in time. I deflected the arrows. Kenji chopped off the Reaper Skeleton's left arm. It fell down to its knees. Kenji and I screamed, releasing immense amount of our aura. I was holding my blades in the same way. My right side was pointing right, my left side was pointing left. I jumped on Kenji's scythe. Kenji assisted me by increasing my power and attacking with a large fire aura surrounding me. Kenji threw me as well as with his attack. I went fast and I was spinning. I was like a razor blade spinning fast in mid air. I sliced the Reaper in half and I immediately shot thunder and destroyed the Reaper Skeleton. All that remains was the bones on the ground. I was still angry though. My anger took over and I impulsively went super fast to attack Herobrine. Herobrine however moved out the way by teleporting. I screamed uncontrollably and immense amount of my aura, my energy spreaded throughout the whole room and lightning roamed me crazy. I really went one a rampage though. My aura, my lightning was destroying the room. I was screaming and I almost sounded like a monster. I could see my veins slowly turning darker and darker. Kenji however looked at me scared. He was in his normal form and stood in front of Hisoka and Misaki. Misaki was holding Hisoka in her arms crying. Tomohiro and Chinatsu were holding each other scared. There was no sign of the Demolisher. All I saw was a giant arm sticking out of the ground. Tsuyoshi and Sumiko were standing there frightened as Naomi was standing with them next to where Kenji and them were. No sign of the Tyrant. All I saw was a giant hole in the ground. I was so fast Herobrine didn't even have time to teleport. I stabbed him through his body from behind with both blades. Herobrine was screaming in pain and I threw him across the room. Herobrine was slammed all the way to the wall and fell down. I lost control of myself. My appearance started changing from being human to looking like a monster with claws. I was walking towards Herobrine. Herobrine was on the ground limping and trying to get up, but couldn't due to the impact he received. He was bleeding out and he was laying there and stared upward, covering his stab wounds. He was coughing and he was bathing in his own blood. I continued walking, but someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and raised my blade from my other hand. I was about to strike whoever it was that was stopping me from ending this murder's life, but I stopped. I paused and stood there motionless. I saw Hoshiko, the girl in my dreams holding my hand. Everybody was standing there, staring at the beautiful girl who was glowing. She looked like an angel. I took back control and went back into my normal state. I regained my human appearance. Hoshiko hugged me and wrapped her arms around my entire waist. Her head resting on my chest. She looked up and smiled at me. I was crying and I thought I was either dreaming or dead. I dropped my blades and hugged her back. I gently squeezed tighter from our hug. She came up to me and whispered something to me.

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