Chapter One - Changes

Start from the beginning

        "Wonderful. Thank you. Let me take your vitals really quickly and then I'll give them a look." He then preceded to take my temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. "Perfect, very good."

        I was not use to being told I had perfect numbers. My heart rate was usually high and my blood pressure was always off. You would think that I would be happy to hear that I was healthy, but I wasn't. I watched as he read over my completed forums.

        "This is very interesting. You are being honest when you tell me you have not been actively trying to lose weight? No fad diets or fasting?" He inquired.

        "I promise. It was just like one day it all started changing. I feel better than I have ever felt but I'm really scared my hormones are out of whack or something. Like, I have some rare condition or even cancer." I couldn't hide the tears welling up in my eyes.

        "Well, I'm not going to pretend that this is not extremely bizarre. But, I won't jump to the conclusion that there is something wrong with you either. I'd like to do a full panel of blood work. We can go ahead and do that in the office today and I can call you with the results in a few days. Then we can go from there." He spoke softly and reassuringly. He had a great bed side manner.

        "Okay. Thank you. Hopefully, I'm worried about nothing. I need to just be happy and accept the new and improved me." I put on a brave smile.

        "There you go." He smiled kindly while helping me off the awkward doctor's office bed and opening the door for me. "Call you in a few days with your results."       

        I had to go down a few office spaces to the lab where they would draw my blood. They took six huge vials. I always hated having my blood drawn because the technicians could never properly find my small veins in my fat arm. This time, it was easy and virtually painless. I was happy to be done and ready to go home.

        I arrived home a little after lunch time. My sister was there watching my daughter, Caroline, for me while I had gone to the doctor. She was four and looked just like her handsome father except for her brown curly hair which framed her perfect face in bouncy ringlets. I hugged my sister and felt some of my worry slipping away.

        "Everything go okay?" She asked with worried undertones.

        "Well, they took about a gallon of my blood to be tested, so I guess we will see. The doctor didn't seemed concerned though." I explained. "Caroline napping?"

        "Yes. After watching Frozen, she passed out."

        "Ugh, I hate that movie now. I'm going to seriously throw it away."

        "Don't be such a hard ass. It's a cute movie." She laughed.

        "Alright, Cindy, you watch it for a hundred times and then be asked for every Frozen toy, shirt, and toothbrush. You'll see what I mean. Disney put some like crazy juju in that movie. It's like crack for kids." I tried to keep a straight face. We both burst out laughing.

        "Oh, Evie, I'm so glad to see you laughing and smiling. I've been so worried about you. You look amazing and you should be happy and enjoying it." She reached out and rubbed my shoulders. "Besides, I'm sure Kyle is really loving it."

        "That's not really a nice thing to say, Cindy." I said, pulling away. "Kyle has always loved me exactly as I was. Are you suggesting that his affections are stronger now that I'm a size 2?" I turned away feeling hurt.

        "I didn't mean that. I...I don't know what I meant. I'm sorry. I know he loves you. I've never seen anyone love better than he does. I just want you to be happy and confident in your new body. You're freaking gorgeous and you are still hiding behind pants and jackets. It's Spring. Show some skin, you look great." She encouraged.

        "Thanks, but I don't like to show some skin. I'm a happily married woman. I don't need or want to get attention from other men. Please...don't tell me how to live my life. I have a lot to figure out." I said calmly. I really wanted to scream at her. She was always trying to tell me what I should or should not be doing in my life.

        "Like I said, sorry." She replied. "I have to get going. Tell Caroline I love her. I love you too, Evelyn." She looked back at me after turning toward the door. "I'm always here for you, you know."

        "I know. Thanks." I smiled and walked her out.

        I watched her drive away and then stood outside for a few minutes longer. I loved Spring. A season of reawakening. New beginnings. I took off my zip up sweater and let the cool wind wrap around my bare arms. I was changing, like the seasons, and I wasn't exactly sure why.

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