Chapter One - Changes

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        The red light mocked me as I nervously tapped my finger on the steering wheel.

        "Come oooon!" I groaned. I was already running late and I could not miss this appointment. I had missed the last one because I was simply too afraid to find out what was wrong with me.       

        Was there something wrong with me? In all actuality, I had never felt better. Over the past 6 months I had lost almost 90 pounds. My family assumed that I had just been working hard to lose the weight, and of course that's what I allowed them to believe. In reality, I hadn't changed a thing. The fear of something being wrong with me caused me to eat my feelings and yet the pounds just kept dropping. In addition to the weight loss, I felt stronger and saw muscle mass building. I was looking better than I ever had and it terrified me.

        The light turned green. I accelerated too quickly and my back tires spun out a bit.

        "Calm down, Evelyn Price. It's going to be okay." I whispered false confidence to myself.

        I pulled into the parking lot and was lucky enough to find a close spot. I was in better shape than I had ever been, yet I still found myself looking for short cuts. Old habits die hard, I guess. I checked myself over in the visor mirror before getting out of the car. I still felt so self conscious about my appearance and was not comfortable in my new body yet. A young man was walking out of the office as I was going in and he held open the door for me. I felt him looking me up and down as I passed the threshold. It was something I was not at all use to. I was accustomed to feeling invisible and undesired by strangers.

        I didn't have long to wait, unfortunately. No time to gather my nerves and give myself a mental pep talk. The nurse led me back and politely asked me to step on the scale. My stomach felt sick like it always did when getting weighed at the doctor. I felt the scales lied and much preferred the digital one I had at home.

        "One nineteen. Good. Oh, wow. Congratulations on your weight loss. That's incredible." the nurse exclaimed. I could hear the concern in her voice.

        "Thank you. I've been working hard to get healthy." I lied. Why do I keep lying?

        "Well, it definitely shows. He will be seeing you in room four." She pointed to the room.

        I sat alone. I was racking my brain trying to come up with some reason as to why my body had taken a sudden and inexplicable turn for the better. I had forms that I filled out to give to the doctor. It listed my symptoms. Symptoms wasn't really the accurate word because these were all improvements. In addition to the weight loss, I had noticed my body changing in other miraculous ways. My hair and nails were stronger and healthier. I felt more awake, alert, and seemed to take in my surroundings quicker and more clearly. Spidey senses. If I had a cut or bug bite, it seemed to heal more quickly. I noticed my scars from childhood fading. Usually, drastic weight loss leaves loose skin but my skin was firm and looked better than ever. Even my stretch marks disappeared and from what I understood that was medically impossible. It all just freaked me the hell out. What horrible disease or cancer did I have that caused all these wonderful changes and how long until it killed me?

        After a quick and unexpected knock, the doctor walked in. He was middle aged, but it was obvious he was a heart breaker in his younger days. Maybe he still was. I wasn't really into older men. He sat down on the stool and looked over my file.

        "Mrs. Price, how are you this morning?" He looked up smiling. Ok, he was pretty good looking for being like fifty something.

        "Oh, I'm okay. Doing alright. I filled out the forums you requested." I handed them over nervously.

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