What Ian sees

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Chapter 2 - What Ian sees

In the corner of my eye, I see Kayden and Layla hugging like 'friends'. Yeah, I knew they had something for each other. It's really noticeable, to be honest. My third-wheeling skills are so good at sensing relationships. I go to my second-period class which is music. Music isn't even that bad. We just have to do whatever we want and such and such. I wait outside the classroom for the teacher to let us in. There are not many people who picked music so that's good. Plus, no brats *coughs* Jacinta *coughs.

The teacher arrives with his guitar in his hand and lets us in. "Okay kids, just do whatever you want to do in music. But something related." the music teacher says. that's his intro all the time. Anyways, I got to a practice room, pull out my viola and ukulele, set up a microphone with my laptop and start making covers. I start singing 'Make you Stay' by Dove and Ryan.

 "We could be, we could be anything tonight
Just tell me everything you like (like)
Can't you see
We could be something if we try?
Just tell me how to make you mine (mine)
What have I gotta do to make you-
What have I gotta do to make you-
What have I gotta do to make you-
Stay ay aya aya ay
What have I gotta do to make you-
What have I gotta do to make you-
What have I gotta to do to make you-
Stay aya aya ay aya"

I only sing the chorus so I have enough time to play it on the viola and ukulele. I finish playing the viola and ukulele. I import the files on my laptop and remix me singing and playing the instruments. I then remix me playing instruments and me singing all in one. I save it in a USB with 15 minutes left of class to spare. I relax and go on my phone to watch some YouTube videos. That was one quick and easy lesson. 

Homeroom time!

I head to my homeroom. I and Kayen are in the same one so I got to ask him about how he and Layla are doing. I wait in line and see Kayden coming up to me. This is my chance. "So Kayden, how's the hug with you and Layla?" 

"Oh you know, just a normal hug. Nothing much." Well, he admits it. That's the first step. The next one is to make him admit his confession to Layla. Our teacher greets us in the class, I and Kayden sit next to each other. "Dude, just tell her you like her, please." He shrugs. Well, that was my only and last cha-

"Sure, just this one time." HE IS GONNA DO IT! 


It's recess time. So I go to my locker, get my food and meet where our friend group stays. Kayden and Layla both walk together. They sit next to each other. He should make the move any moment now. "Look Layla. Just because I did those nice things, doesn't really mean I want you to be my best friend." Yeah, he blew it did he? I bet he will friendzone her. "Because I want you to be my girlfriend." HE JUST MADE THE MOVE. HE DID IT! *cheers inside the head*

"Aww really? Because.....I felt the same way. I want you to be my boyfriend." She replies. They both held hands and talk about their future? Well, I only joined the conversation a bit because I don't want to interfere with them. They are really cute together and I wish I can be there for them in every moment in of their life. 

Period 3 Bell rings.


I bet you NEVER waited for this moment! Hey, my Brownies! Sorry for the short chapter. Thanks for following me! Please do vote for this book! Please do comment if you want some changes or want me to continue a certain book. Maybe even a plot twist? If you haven't already, please do follow me! I will be doing these announcements more often. Bye my brownies!

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