Chapter 53

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Eric's POV

"Happy now?" Kate asked.

I could hear the sarcasm in her voice. I really felt like smacking some sense into her. Forgetting to get her birth control was irresponsible. This needed to get done. I couldn't risk having a baby Coulter running around. I'm not ready for that. I don't think I'll ever be.

"Very" I answered with a huge smirk across my

"We still need to talk, which you refuse to do" She snapped at me.

I felt my tablet vibrate, meaning I had a new message. I'm sure it's Max since he's expecting me in his office.

"Stop being such a girl about this. It is what it is. The question is can you deal with that?" I said before reading the message.

I could tell she's annoyed by my response. I honestly didn't give a fuck right now. She was being childish and I had more important things to deal with this morning.

"I'm hungry, I need to eat" She says walking away from me.

I briefly follow behind her before she disappears into the dining hall. When I get to Max's office I don't bother to knock. I step inside and look directly at Jeanine, who is sitting behind Max's desk. Her gaze is sharp and even though her face relaxes into a smile when she sees me, her grey eyes remind me of steel that's ready to cut down anything in her way.

"You finally made it" Henry said a bit irritated.

"I had work to attend to" I snapped back at him.

Jeanine had her hands clasped together on the desk. She's staring at me carefully, but she doesn't have that glint in her eye that she gets when she's about to verbally cut someone into shreds.

"As previously discussed, in order to save our society we would have to take control from Abnegation. Any Divergents we find will be eliminated" Jeanine said sternly.

"And how exactly are we going to take control?" Harrison asked. 

"We would need to destroy the public opinion of Abnegation.  We are in the mist of discovering information needed to do so"

"Besides the information you already have on Marcus Eaton?" Max said with a chuckle.

"Exactly" Jeanine smirked.

"Any news on the new serum your working on?" Max asked.

"It's still in the testing stages" Henry answered "We have found a way to mix the serum with the cerebral fluid in the brain that doesn't harm the individual"

"Does it work?" I asked with my arms folded.

"On most of the test subjects it has. We had a couple of incidents where the serum did not work. We believe those subjects were divergent. In order to further test the serum we would need more divergents to test" Henry said all coy.

I narrow my eyes at him "Is that device you've been working on to detect divergents up and running?"

"Somewhat" Henry answered.

"Yes or no?"  I ask irritated.

"Yes, it works" Henry answered angrily "But there is always room for improvements"

"Have one sent to Dauntless. On our next fractionless raid we'll check every fractionless we come across. There's bound to be a few divergent in the mist"

"Good idea, Eric" Max said.

"Has Kate accepted our offer?" Jeanine asked.

"Not yet. We will find out after testing" I answer.

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