His Own Kitten

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I stood up and walked towards Talia. I reached out to rub her back, Talia looked up at me. Her green eyes locked on my blue eyes. "It's okay," I said rubbing her back more softly. I eyed her out of the corner of my eyes. She was purring so softly. I stop, her purs stop to. "Are you a kitten?" I asked, knowing how idotatic it sounded. Talia looked away from me. I had my answer. "Aw I have my own Kitten." I told her with a chuckle. Talia's face went red.

Her face went a dark red when I started to pet her again, but she started to purr. I grinned at her and sat down beside of her. "Sorry, your just so cute when you do that." She scoffed but she had a small embarressed smile on her face. I grabbed her by her waist and lifted her to move her to my lap. "Wheres my Friends?" She asked me.

Sighing, I looked over at my sister. "Go get Him." I told her. Daniella nodded. "Yes, My lord." she said walking swiftly away. "Him?" She asked me. Her green eyes had tears in them . "Poor, Alex. He is going to be devastated." She mumbled under her breath. "No, The other girl who was with you is still sleeping. i had someone check on her while i was talking with you." I told her softly. Talia's eyes flew up to mine. "Really?" She asked her tears gone withen the second.

I nodded. Talia smiled brightly and turned towardss me fully. "...Um..." She started before her face turned a bright red when she relized she was sitting on my lap when she moved. She started to stand up but i put my arms arou d her waist to keep her still. "Stay still." I told her.

Talia blushed darkly sitting on my lap. Daniella came back in with Alex. Alex looked over at her and a look was in his eyes and it made her tense up before she kept shaking ehr head quickly. "No. No, no, no." She told him. "We are not like that Alex!" She yelled and jumped off my lap. and i went cold right when she did.

Sighing i stood up and wiped off my clothes like they were dirty. "Well, Would you like to go check on your other friend?" I asked them. Both of their eyes widened and they nodded. "Yes please." Talia said quickly. Alex wrapped his arm around her shoulders and somewhat glared at me, well i wouldnt of called it glared more like kitty stare. I chuckled slightly. "Whats so funny?" He asked me.  "Nothing, just .. nothing." I replied back and headout of the room room with Talia and Alex on my heels.


I lead Alex and Talia to a room near the back of the hallway. "Come on. She is in here." I told them opening up the large oak wood door. Talia rushed in when she saw her friend laying in a small twin sized bed. Her hair was up in a bun and out of her face that had cuts on it here and there. The girl was still sleeping but Talia started to talk. "Oh come on.... Wake up." Alex looked back at me with a look filled with hatred. "why are we here?" he asked for Talia.

I answered, "because I found uou laying in a car wreck. if I didn't get to you when I did you would've all died." he narrowed his eyes at me. "and how did you know we got in a accident?" I sighed. "because you got in a accident right outside my castle gates." Alex raised a brow. "and how do we know that you did not cause the accident?" he asked.

talia shot up. "will you two stop! we are here now so there is nothing wr can do until we get out of here and find out where to go!" she yelled from her spot next to her female friend.

I am so sorry I haven't been uploading. I have been going through soke rough times with family. so here is a gift foe superbowl. sorry if it is short.

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