Talia's P.O.V

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I stared at the wall, "What did he mean when he said Why would I be embarresed if my cheeks were red?" I asked myself. Shaking my head slightly I stood up. Dizziness came over me hard, I grabbed the pole to steady myself. Looking around the room I noticed it was girly and had a slight masculin feel to it.

A knock came loudly. I groaned and shut my eyes. "What?!" I asked holding my head with my free hand. The door squeeked open. "Prince Liam sent me to check on you, Milady." A small girl said quietly. I looked at her sharply. "Prince?" I asked her. The servant's eyes widened.

"You didnt know that he was a Prince?" She asked me. I shook my head. "No, I didn't not know he was a Prince. He did not tell me." Muttering under my breath I walked towards the bathroom. "Prince my ass." I slammed the door but it bounced back open and hit me in the back. I twisted around quicklly bringing my hand up to protect myself but felt stupid that it was only a door. I sighed and walked further nito the bathroom.


I was sitting at the dining table waiting for Talia to come down from the room. I hadn't been able to sleep after I found her and her friends in that car accident. I sighed and grabbed another spoonful of soup. I heard a screech and rolled my eyes. "Where is she!" I heard my sister call. "Where is this new princess?" She asked storming into the dining room. I looked at her. "She is getting ready to come down here." I told her.

Her eyes were filled with harshness. "I want to see her to know if she is best for you." She told me. "Daniella, calm down please." I told her calmly. She looked at me. "I want to know how well she is." I stood up. "She was just in a accident! She is not going to be in the right mind." I hissed at her. Daniella rolled her eyes. "So all princess should keep their manners even in a accident." She said.

I was about to talk when Talia came down the stairs. I looked over at her and froze, my eyes widened. She was in a long he dress with, a red outline. The dress was tight on the bodice but once it reached her slim hips it flared out. My sister walked over to her. "Hi my name is Daniella. Liam's sister." She told her. I sat back down and watched them.


I walked down the stairs. I stopped at the bottom when I saw Liam was talking to another girl. I froze when the girl turned towards me. She had a determined expression on her face. I looked over at Liam but he just sat back down and started eating again. "Hi, I'm Daniella, Liam's sister." She told me. I just stared at her like she was crazy. "I... I am Talia." I told her softly. Daniella smiled softly at me. "I heard you were in a car accendent." She told me. I nodded then my eyes widened and I turned toward Liam with anger in my eyes. "Where Are my friends?" I asked him stalking towards him. Liam rolled his eyes. "At the hospital." He told me. I stopped. "Than why am I here and not at the hospital?" He stared at me with sympathy in his eyes. "Because one of your friends were not going to make it." I felt my eyes widened and I sat down on a chair from who knows where. "Dead." I asked myself softly.

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