Ch. 3 Scar face

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A/N: Heeey our dear reader-chans! Here's our next chapter, as always we hope you enjoy!

"No, please, get away from me!" You screamed in a panic, feeling a black cloth being put over your eyes. "It doesn't matter how much you scream, no one's coming to save you, useless bitch." A low voice says from behind you. Suddenly you feel something sharp rip down your back, the sensation of your skin being torn apart unbearable. You scream as loud as you can, begging for someone to come save you. "All you have to do to make it stop is help us. That's all we're asking." The black cloth comes loose, and you see the same man covered in scars, the one that came a few times before this as well. You clench your jaw, glaring at him. "I'll never help the likes of you!" The man laughs maniacally, another sharp pain being felt on your back. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

"AKEMI!" You wake up with a start, someone shaking your shoulders violently. You take in wild gasps of air, trying to see your surroundings. "It's ok, you're with me, you're safe." You notice it's your dad that was shaking you awake. "Just a dream...." You pant, laying your head on your dad's shoulder. "Another bad one, huh." You nod, wiping the tears from your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt. Shota hands you a tissue. You take it gratefully, cleaning your face off. "You gonna be ok going to school today?" He asks, looking at you with concern. You nod, giving him a weak smile. "Yes, I'll be ok. Thanks dad." He nods, leaving you to get ready for school. You sigh, finally feeling your heart calm down. 'When will these nightmares end...'

About a week has gone by since your first day at school, and so far you felt that you had been doing well and time was passing by quickly with all of the work you were doing and all the hero assignments. That particular day you do a test where you worked with someone to defeat the opposing team. You had been teamed up with a little guy named Mineta, who was staring at your chest the entire time. You guys lost simply because he got distracted by the girl on the opposing team. She used her 'goods' to get his attention, while the other person on their team wrapped you up with her tongue, making it impossible for you to escape.

Afterwards, you head to the rooftop again, like you had every day this week. You notice Katsuki looked like he was sleeping, so you silently took your place next to him, eyeing him with curiosity.  You admire his hair again, having decided it was one of your favorite things to look at. The way it poked up in so many different directions, and only got worse when he was angry or fighting. Not thinking, you reached up to touch it, ever so slightly brushing it with your fingertips. Suddenly you feel a strong hand grasp your wrist, not too hard to hurt but enough to startle you.

"What the hell are you doing?" Your face heats up instantly as you pull away, putting your hands to cheeks to try and cool them down. "I....I don't know, actually." You admitted, knitting your eyebrows together and turning your head. He raises his eyebrows at you, sleepiness still in his eyes. "I told you, you disturb me and I'll throw you off the roof." You nod solemnly, holding out your arms and closing your eyes, bracing yourself for your punishment. You feel Katsuki lightly tap the top of your head with his fist. "This is your only warning.  Now shut the hell up." You open your eyes, smiling lightly to yourself. You pull out your lunch and eat in silence. 'His hair... Is really soft.'

After school, you went for the usual routine of going home, eating dinner with your dad(most days for some days he was too busy to come home for dinner) and then heading to the library to continue your daily cleaning and organizing duties with Katsuki.

"So, Katsuki," you start, saying his name slowly. "What do you do for fun?" Katsuki looks at you, putting a couple of books on a top shelf. "Train, eat and sleep." Your eyes light up, "Ooh, I like to train to!" "Obviously, that's where we first met, dumbass." Slightly embarrassed that you forgot this little detail, you look down at the floor. "Oh, right...." "It doesn't look like you've trained since then anyways, look at how puny you are." Katsuki pokes your arm, raising an eyebrow at you. You glare at him,"Hey, I train hard! Some times all night!" "All night???? Is THAT why you have these bags under your eyes???" Katsuki then proceeds to poke the bags under your eyes, teasing you. You give him an odd look, "Bags? Like, the plastic ones?"

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