The death of Slade Wilson

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"Are you ready to fly my little Robin?" Asked the voice of his mother.

"Renegade move in on the target," he heard the voice of his mentor say in his ear piece.

"What if I fall?" A nine-year-old him asked his parents, sometimes he wished he was still that innocent. He remembered what Slade told him, "Innocent is a cruel joke only when you lose it can you become the person you are meant to be."

Renegade jumped down from where he was hiding onto the next roof top.

"You can't fall when you were born to fly." He father told him.

"You were made to kill," Slade had told him when he was unsure about becoming Renegade.

"I'm in position," he whispered to Slade through the com. "Now kill him!" Slade order. He hooked his legs over a edge of the building hanging upside down off its edge to get the perfect angle. The bullets flew hitting the target through the heart.

"See your flying already," his father voice echoed.

He got up and packed the gun. When he was done he turned and ran, in no mood to watch the chaos he had created. Also Slade had told him, earlier that day, that he had a surprise for him.

Renegade's POV

As I entered our base Slade said, "Good job Renegade. Now for that surprise."

He pulled out blue prints for a building. He explained that it was the HQ for drug lords that have been messing around on other people turf and that they were old friend of Tony Zucco. Tony was my first kill, with the help of Slade four years ago, now almost five.

"Thank you for letting me come along, sir," he ruffled my hair. "Now boy, why don't you go sharp a sword or something."

"Ok, sir." I walked off to my room to do as he suggested.

Slade might not be the best person to live with or just one of the best people period. On the other hand, he took me in and cared for me when the rest of the world didn't give two craps. And that is why I will always do as he says and kill who ever he wants.

I heard Batman voice in my mind, "your actual a good kid. Why do you just forget all of that and do what ever Slade wants? He's using you he doesn't actual care for you. He doesn't care about anyone but himself."

It didn't matter if Slade cared for me. It didn't matter if Slade was just using he. He saved my life and now it's his to do as he sees fit. Why am I even listening to Batman, if I remember he let that little Batboy be beaten to death by the Joker. And then he couldn't even kill the Joker to avenge him. Pathetic.

"Renegade come here and get briefed on the mission."

That was another thing about Slade, he was prepared for everything, always ten step ahead of everyone else. Other Batman, who he was still a good four steps ahead of. I left to listen to Slade's plan.

~Time skip~

When the guns started going off I knew everything had gone south. Not because of Slade's plan but because of Batman and his team of brats showing up to the party earlier then expected. The team had no strategy. They were all so reckless. It wouldn't be long before they died just like the Batbrat did.

"Renegade what happened? I said not to attack until I gave the order. For this, there will be consequences." I felt my body stiffen at the word consequences.

"Sir, it wasn't me. Batman and the kiddie league are here. Along with Green Arrow and the Flash, I think there's something-"

"If they're here that complicates things, but I still need to get that file. So we'll just have to change strategy. Follow air vent B turn into the second right. Then take the first left turn and I'll meet you there," he instructed.

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