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Sabre's POV

I am so happy that we got Rainbow Steve back since it has been so different without him. While he was gone I felt lonely, even know I still had Lucas. The closest I was able to feel like I was with Rainbow Steve was when I was with Plague Steve. Plague Steve loved the animals like Rainbow Steve, was a good Steve like him too, and he even liked to hatch the eggs like Rainbow Steve.

I go over to the closest jungle tree and lean against it. I close my eyes and face the treetops. When I open my eyes and look back in front of me I see Rainbow Steve and Plague Steve playing with the chicken in the field.

Then the chicken lays an egg, so Rainbow Steve tosses the egg and it actually hatches. I didn't notice that I was staring at Rainbow Steve until Lucas walks up and asks "Why are you staring at Rainbow Steve?" Since I didn't see Lucas walk up to me I got pretty scared when I heard his voice. My eyes go back to Rainbow Steve for a second then look at Lucas.

"Lucas, I am so happy that we got Rainbow Steve back, but when I try to talk to him, I get all nervous and go away from him." I say. My voice goes soft when I say Rainbow Steve's name. I relax and then tell Lucas to come over so I can talk to him without having to talk so loud. Lucas sits down on the grass and starts to rap the grass around his fingers. He listens to me talk but the whole time I talk my eyes are locked on Rainbow Steve. I watch him as he places a sign down and Plague Steve reads it. Plague Steve nods in agreement and I watch Rainbow Steve walk away.

Rainbow Steve's POV

I look over to the boarder of the jungle and see Sabre leaning against the closest tree while talking to Lucas. I had to pry my eyes away from him since me and Plague Steve were playing with the chickens. I tell Plague Steve I want to make a small base in the field so we have somewhere to camp out. I go in the jungle at the side so Sabre doesn't see him go in. He told Plague Steve to just distract Sabre and Lucas because he wanted to surprise Sabre. I chop down some small trees and place the saplings down so there is going to be some more trees later. When I am sure that I got enough wood I go to a small clearing in the woods and start to build a small house. After a bit I finish the house and go back outside to where the chests are. I move the chests to the house. When I finally get all the stuff moved to the house I go over to the tree that Sabre and Lucas were and see Plague Steve there too. Sabre and Lucas are sitting and Plague Steve is just walking around and looking at the trees. I walk over to them "Sabre! I got a surprise for you!" I shout as I land in front of the three of them.

"Wow Rainbow Steve you scared me! I wasn't expecting you to come in like that. So what's your surprise?" Sabre questions. "If I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it Sabre?" I say and see that Sabre is blushing slightly, why is he blushing?

"Follow me Sabre!" I say as I run towards the field that is close to the part of the jungle I built the small base in. He runs close behind me and then we finally get to the house. "Rainbow Steve! This place is amazing! Did you make this in that small amount of time?!"! Sabre yells and questions.

I grab Sabre's hand and take him into the house. The doorway leads to a kitchen, and off to the side there is three bedrooms. At the left I made the smallest for Lucas, then there is mine in the middle and to the right is a room at the same size as mine. I sit down at the table in the dining room I made. I was about to make something in the kitchen on the furnace when Sabre grabs my hand and pulls me into a kiss. When he pulls away we are both gasping for air until he grabs my hand and pulls me into his room I made him. He pushes me back onto the bed and starts kissing me again. The next thing I know he pulls away for a second to pull my shirt over my head then takes his off too.

He starts planting kisses on my neck, and when he gets to my sweet spot I moan which makes him suck harder. Then he kisses down my chest and his hands reach my pants. He looks up asking for my permission and I nod yes. He pulls down my pants and looks at my boxers covering his grand prize.

Sabre's POV (Again)

Then I pull down the boxers and looked at the body of my male lover. "Sabre this isn't fair," Rainbow Steve mumbles. "You are almost fully dressed and I don't have anything." My lover gives me the pouty lip so that it will guilt me into doing more.

I stand up and undid my belt making my pants fall down to my ankles. I steps out of the bunch of clothes around my ankles and get back in bed with Rainbow Steve. My eyes wonder around my male lovers body as he reaches his hands into the rim of my boxers. Then he slides his hands down taking my boxers with them.

I kiss down Rainbow Steve's chest and line my sword up with his. As I line up I look up at my male lover and tell him "this might hurt a bit." Rainbow Steve nods then Sabre goes into Rainbow Steve. I thrust into him and watch tears swell up in his eyes. "Don't worry, it is going to be over soon, and you will be happy when it is for two reasons instead of one." I say while still thrusting into him.

"Sabre~ I am going to c-cum." Rainbow Steve says and but I keep going. Then I feel his warm, sweet nectar going all over the bed. After Rainbow Steve's seed released in the room, my cum followed. As I released on the bed as well, I stopped thrusting and laid down on the bed next to my lover. We laid there for a few minutes before we got up and got dressed again. 

Authors Note

Thank you to everyone who reads my cringy stories, this is the first one I have ever shared with anybody so yeah... Thank you if you did read this And if you don't like it then, please don't judge me

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