"I'm North," the girl says then points to the blond man. "That's Simon."

"You already know I'm Markus," Markus says and points to the dark-skinned android standing to his right, "That's Josh."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I must warn you though. The police, SWAT, and many of the other government agencies are not very fond of you. You may have the public support, but the officers will not hesitate to shoot if given the order," I tell them with a frown.

"Why though? We prove to them that we're no threat, yet we're gunned down?" Josh asks me.

"They're scared of change that doesn't benefit them. It's funny really, humans are called human, but many lack the humanity."

"Why are you different from them?" North asks me.

"I always saw you guys as humans. My mother had an android, but she was more family to us. We never treated her as anything but. She actually saved me, and she was killed because of it. That's why I took up deviant cases in the FBI. I want you guys to have equal rights, and I am willing to give up my life for it." They stare at me in slight awe and I check the time on my phone. "I need to be going soon, but I need to know if you trust me first."

"We trust you, Agent," Markus says and the rest of the androids agree.

"Is there anyway I can contact you in case things go bad?" I ask while shaking the hands of Markus, Simon, North, and Josh.

"May I see your phone?" Markus asks and I hand him the device. He hacks it before giving it back to me, and saying, "I have hacked your phone and made it so if you call my contact if things go bad."

"I'm glad to meet at least one good human," North says and I send her a smile.

"There's more like me out there, but the problem is they haven't done anything to help. Things will change, I can feel it," I tell her before looking at the four androids. "I must be going."

"Goodbye, Agent," Josh says and I send them a wave.

I turn around and start to walk away before stopping and looking over my shoulder. "I believe in you guys," I say before leaving the ship and making my way back to my apartment.


I'm shaken awake and I gasp while shooting up from where I'm seated in my dad's car. "Why are you so tired?" Dad asks and I rub my eyes.

"I was working almost all last night, plus Jayden is riding me over what happened at Capitol Park," I lie, looking out the windshield to see a modern house with snow all around. "Is this the place?"

"If you mean Elijah Kamski's house, then yes."

"Let's go talk to him." I get out of the car and the back door opens and slams shut, making me jump. I spin around and look at Connor, placing my hand on my chest. "You scared the hell out of me."

"I'm sorry, [Name]," he says and I shake my head.

"No, it's not your fault. I'm just out of it right now."

Dad gets out of the car and walks through the snow, pulling out his phone and holding it to his ear. Connor and I watch him for a bit and he puts the phone away and stays silent. "Is everything all right, Lieutenant?" Connor asks him.

"Chris was on patrol last night," Dad starts while looking at us. "He was attacked by a bunch of deviants. Told me he was saved by Markus himself."

"Is Chris okay?

"Yeah. He's in shock, but he's alive." Dad turns around and walks up some snow-covered stairs to Kamski's front door.

"Kamski left CyberLife ten years ago. Why do you want to meet him now?" Connor asks and we follow my dad.

Not Just a Machine (D:BH Connor X Human! F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now