Freedom at Last

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        Months passed and Loki grew to be a perfect example of Asgardian royalty despite being of Jotun descent. When he walked the swing of his hips which accompanied his steps even before being brought to Asgard melted into a gentle but confident stride. At the table,  his elegance and posture outshined Thor who had been working at refining his more graceful side since he was a boy. Even in their studies of the nine realms Loki surpassed the prince despite having very little time to catch up. Now it seemed the only place he was beat was on the battlefield. Loki was strong, yes, but Thor was stronger by a great deal. Even if he wasn't handicapped by the chains which still bound his wrists together he had no doubt he'd get his ass handed to him one way or another. That said, Loki's more trickster-like nature came out while sparring. Unlike Thor, he didn't rely solely on his strength to attempt winning and because of this, their sparring sessions lasted longer than most had expected.

       Loki, for the long duration of those months, had done everything that was asked of him, training, learning, and adopting many Asgardian mannerisms, thus gaining even Odin's trust. He was their perfect little prisoner and had all but been welcomed into their family. It was finally time for the Obedient Loki who had, for all that time, taken whatever he was given graciously, to ask something of his captors.

        The morning started as all mornings began in Odin's golden palace. Loki, who sat awake already washed and dressed, was joined by Thor who, as usual, took him by the arm and lead him to the breakfast table where food was already waiting. This time however, only three plates were placed upon the grand table and from their placement Loki could tell exactly who would not be joining them.

        "Is Odin unwell?" Asked the dark haired man, bright green eyes flicking to Thor who shook his head in response.

        "He's at a meeting in one of the other realms" said Frigga who entered, every movement the definition of grace. "I'm afraid it will be just us three for today" she added, motioning for the two men to sit.

       They did as instructed.

        "Is Heimdall with him?" Asked Loki curiously.

        Thor nodded. "If my father is in another realm as my mother says then Heimdall is likely to be with him" he stated.

        Loki nodded and fell silent, satisfied with the answer he was given.

        The rest of that morning was particularly ordinary but, as the early hours of the day melted into the afternoon, things gradually fell out of their usual patterns. With Heimdall gone there would be no lessons that day so Thor and Loki were left to their own devices.

        "Thor" Loki said, rubbing his sore wrists, the action causing his chains to rattle softly. He winced slightly as it truly did cause him pain. Thor's reaction was priceless, his eyebrows raised in concern. It was perfect. "I know you have no reason to trust me but..." he paused, looking at the prince with pleading eyes. "Just for today...please?" He asked, holding out his chained wrists.

        Thor bit his lip indecisively but, as he glanced at those delicate wrists... he gave in. "Just for today" he agreed and slowly pulled out the key from its hiding spot. He then unlocked the chains from Loki's wrists and let them fall with a loud clank. He wanted so badly to trust the Jotun and this was a leap of faith.

        Loki let loose a sigh of relief as his wrists were freed. He stretched his arms out to either side of his body, something he'd not been able to do for quite some time. "Thank you" he said. He then rocked back and forth on his feet for a moment before saying "so" which he let out in a long breath. "Since we dont have lessons today" he paused, looking to Thor for silent affirmation. "What are we going to do?" He asked.

       Thor nodded before putting his thumb and forefinger to his chin in thought. It had been a long time since he'd had a free afternoon. Absentmindedly, he turned his back to Loki, his eyes turning to the window as if somehow that would help him decide. 

        "it's beautiful" commented Loki, noting the object of Thor's gaze. His voice was soft and rich as if it had been wrapped in velvet. His body slinked delicately around the other prince, moving so he was behind him. "Asgard I mean..." he added in a whisper. His hands brushed gently across his former friend's shoulders as his head nearly rested upon them.

        Thor nodded, not once protesting Loki's closeness. "it is" he confirmed verbally. 

        Loki smiled. His hands gripped the asgardian's shoulders more tightly before sliding down his arms and letting go completely. With soft steps he moved away from the other prince and made towards the dresser. There, he looked himself in the mirror and let his hair out of the ties that held it. Promptly it slid down over his face and the tops of his shoulders making him look suddenly more wild, more like he had the day he'd killed Laufey, the day he and Thor were reunited. "do you ever..." he began, staring at those odd green eyes that glared back at him in the mirror. "regret being what you are?"

        Thor's eyes followed Loki as he felt him leave his side but soon returned to the window. His breath caught in his throat as the other spoke. What sort of question was that? "I..." he paused. He didn't know how to answer, whether it was because it hurt too much to say or for some other reason was of no consequence. Either way, he didn't know how to put his thoughts into words. "Do you?" he asked, redirecting the question. 

      Loki could tell by the prince's  body language that he'd let his guard down and he could not be more pleased. His words had gained the desired effect. His hands searched the dresser briefly before they found a delicately crafted but hefty vase. There were flowers hanging out of the sides and, as he picked it up, he felt water rock back and forth within it. "I do" he said, hips swinging as he moved about the room, vase held carefully between his fingers as he observed the design that covered its exterior. 

       Thor closed his eyes. He was filled with an incredible feeling of sadness and he was almost sorry he'd asked. He heard Loki pick something up but he couldn't look at the Jotun. He was afraid if he did he might see  the hurt that was clear in the other's voice.

        "I don't think theres ever been a moment in my life that I haven't regretted being myself in some way." Said the Jotun. "I've never really been able to make anyone proud" he sighed. There was a pause as he chose his next words with a little extra care.  "I suppose it would be odd for anyone to be proud of their prisoner... that's all I really was to Laufey" He said, creeping around the room as he returned to the space behind the asgardian. "Then again, perhaps it's just my nature to disappoint." 

        Thor frowned as Loki spoke. He remembered the scars that covered his back and wondered just how much he'd suffered since their childhood. Just as he was about to say something, however, the feeling of a vase to the back of his head stopped him dead in his tracks. Water spilled all over the place as Thor fell to the ground; out cold. 

       "perhaps we should go for a walk" said Loki to Thor's now limp body, the now broken vase still in his hands. "after all, it'd be a shame to waste such nice weather."

Jotun PrinceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora