Oh how I wish my day dreams came true

I missed her way to much but I final came to terms of her never coming back, she cut ties with us all, I can’t feel her emotions anymore. Not like before when she felt scared, nervous, frightened and hurt

I hated myself for a while but then I realized I couldn’t have done anything to stop her being kidnapped

But now the only way I know she is alive is by the letters she sends us every so often

I’m holding well compared to Seth so that has to be something right?

The guy is younger than me, and doesn’t have Alpha blood running through him. I just hope he doesn’t leave; he is the only one who truly understands the torment of never knowing if our mate is alright, hurt, weak, abused and he is family to me.

His mom is never around after the Leah situation and he doesn’t know his dad

The Cullen clan is great company but even the smell bad to us just like we do to them

The pack are a different story, they are awkward when one of us gets emotional. We are guys we don’t cry in front of each other. Until this shit went down

I have lost all hope but I will be damned if I let Seth give up the fight for his life


Aro pov

She gets it oh she gets it

Perfect in all honesty

She woke up this morning and knew no-one of her family besides her sister, she was more determined than ever to learn and like a good teacher I led her down the path she was destined to have

“Chloe how would you feel about coming to a formal meeting I have with other very respectable vampires?” I questioned her as we sat in my office

“Really? You would let me come with you?” she asked me

I could see she was excited to go

“Yes. Felix can watch over here and I can take you with me” I said laughing slightly at how happy she became

“Thank you Master Aro” she said standing up from her chair

“Well there is no need to pack so let’s go” I said extending my hand to her

What she doesn’t know is that these vampires are happy to have a dark princess on their hands; they think vegetarian vampires such as her family are a disgrace to our race and I don’t blame them

She lightly grabbed my hand and I swung he onto my back seeing as I am much faster than her and don’t want to be slowed down

I was about to run when her small voice floated to my ears

“Aro, can I trust you?” she asked

My mind was screaming no but I needed the power surge I could get from my plan

“Yes” and I was off

I was never brought up to lie but in this situation I think it is okay

But I will be dead if she ever finds out I lied and she ends up being the dark princess or queen

I guess she will never find out


so i know it isnt much a only like two pages but its kind of a filler considering i had an awesome idea come to me like a few hours ago :D




Chloe xx

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