The others nodded in agreement. The door to the lounge swung open and there stood a man that one of the time travelers knew very well. He was tall and had long brown hair with bandages wrapped around his forehead. The man had white pearly eyes and was wearing traditional Hyuga clothes.

"Dad." Neji whispered in amazement.

"Whoa! That's your-" Naruko began to exclaim until Neji slapped a hand over her mouth since she had gained the attention of the whole room including his father.

"Relative? Yes I suppose in some way, since he is a Hyuga as myself, don't be so foolish Naruko." Neji said, calm, cool, and collected as ever.

Everyone turned their attention back to Hizashi who was still standing at the front of the room. "Anyways, as I was saying, we will begin the second part of the exam." He said.

While Hizashi was saying this, Neji leaned next to Naruko with his mouth right next to her ear. "Are you crazy Naruko? Do you realize what would have just happened if you said he was my father? But yes, he is my dad, just don't broadcast it or else we would be questioned." He whispered as he took his hand off her mouth.

"Sorry." She whispered back.

Meanwhile, Hizashi was continuing. "I first want to start by congratulating you all on making it to this stage of the exams. However, if you thought that the last part of the exam was hard, it's only going to get harder." He said. "The second part of this exam will be taking part at a training ground. You will now proceed to follow me to said training ground."

All of the genins got up and followed Hizashi out of the building. Now that he had finished with the first part of his speech, he could think about what happened prior to it.

'What was with that girl? Why did she begin to say something about me only to be stopped by that fellow Hyuga boy? Not to mention, I've never seen him before in my life, yet he seemed to know me, as well as that blonde girl recognizing me even though I've never met her either. Besides, if she was just going to say relative, why would he have acted so fast to stop her only to finish the sentence himself? Anyone else would have just interrupted the person. And that brown haired girl that was sitting next to the boy, why did she get a light into her eyes when she saw me? Wait a minute, they must be those ones that were found by that Uchiha kid on the street. The ones that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. So a Hyuga was part of that group? I wonder if he is sealed, although it would surprise me, someone would have recognized him from the clan. Yet we have never had anyone run away from the Leaf Village that was a Hyuga, and all of the Hyugas in the Leaf Village live in the compound. I wonder, what's going on. And why does he eerily remind me of myself and Hiashi?' He thought.

'Uh oh.' Neji thought. He was currently looking at his father's face using his Byakugan. 'Anyone who doesn't know him wouldn't have noticed the change in facial expression, but I do considering I'm his son, even if it has been a long time. That's his thinking of suspicious things face. He must be wondering about the situation earlier. Crap, if he figures anything out I'm dead! Besides, I was going to tell him later, preferably after whenever me and Christina marry, so that they can't force me to join the clan and give our children the caged bird seal mark. Sure the council and Hokage would try to get them to prevent it so that the Maini clan would have a chance to grow in Konoha, but the elders of the Hyuga clan can be very sneaky and underhanded, and would most likely pull some type of trick that would force Christina to marry into the Hyuga clan, rather than me marrying into her clan, which I would prefer and choose a thousand times over the Hyuga clan due to all of the politics in it. Whereas Christina and from what she has told me about her family, they only care about family itself, not wealth or power. That's the type of clan I want our children to grow up in, just a she did.' He thought, thinking hard.

Christina of course noticed this. She took his hand, drawing his attention. "My love, are you alright? You seem bothered by something." She said.

"I'm fine, just thinking about what lies in the future." He said, smiling slightly.

"Jeez Neji, you and Christina should wait a few more years before doing that." Naruko joked, smiling her famous trouble-making grin.

"Naruko! How many times do I have to tell you?! Stop making sex jokes!" Christina yelled at her friend, knocking her upside the head lightly. "We should never have let you go on that training trip with Jiraiya, ya see what he did to you!"

"Oh please, I'm wasn't affected by that trip. Besides, what would be the big deal about making sex jokes?" She asked.

"Well you wouldn't want Haku-kun to start asking what they meant, would you?" Christina said, smirking.

"Don't you dare bring my precious Haku-kun into this!" Naruko exclaimed.

"Then stop saying sex jokes about me and Neji when you know we aren't going to do that until we are married!" Christina said.

"Jeez, get a sense of humor!" Naruko said, crossing her arms.

"Naruko, you have to admit, Christina is already really accepting of your humor other than those kinds of jokes." Neji said.

"Alright, I guess that's true." Naruko admitted.

"Halt!" Hizashi called from up ahead. They had stopped at a place that had the time travelers smiling and thinking back to all the times they had had here. The Forest of Death, otherwise known as training ground 44. "Here is where you will be having your second part of the exam. You will be in the forest for 5 days straight with only what you have on you now. You will have to get these scrolls from other teams in the area. You will start out with one scroll, either the heaven or the earth scroll. It is your duty to get the matching scroll of your set. So if you start with the Heaven scroll, you will need an Earth scroll. Once having both scrolls, you will proceed to the tower to wait for your next instructions. First however, you will need to sign these waivers, so that the Leaf Village will not be responsible should you die. Any questions?" He said.

One genin spoke up. "Yeah, what about food and water? We can't survive without water for longer than what? Three days or so? We'll need water is we want to live to the end." The boy said.

"Good question. There is indeed a river running straight through the training ground, there's your water. There are plenty of food sources, of course, many are poisonous, so choose wisely." He said. "Any other questions?" Nobody raised their hands. "Great, I will now hand out these forms."

"Yes, perfect!" Naruko said.

"What, why would this be perfect?" Obito asked. "If you ask me, this place seems pretty damned scary to me." He said.

"Because, Me, Neji, and Christina already took the Chunin Exams here. Plus, we had practices in here when we became ANBU. We all decided to do teamwork exercises in here and it worked out great! We know this place like the back of our own hands." Naruko said.

"That is great, I'll admit, but what about food? How are we gonna manage that?" Rin asked.

"Well, luckily we have Naruko-chan on our team for that." Christina said.

"What do you mean?" Rin asked.

"Well, I guess we kinda forgot to tell you, but Naruko can't be poisoned. Kurama rakes care of, they even made this system together where is they can't figure out if some berries are poisonous or not, Naruko just eats them and Kurama tells her if they are poisonous or not." Christina said.

"We're lucky! Jeez, I wasn't sure before, but with you guys on our team, along with having you teach us some stuff and all of the things we learned from Minato-sensei, we'll dominate this test!" Obito exclaimed.

Hizashi had just made it to their team and gave them the forms. Naruko took her's and signed it right away.

'Chuunin Exams, it seems I have to take you again. Well, no matter. Just as before, I will win!' She thought as she turned in her form with the rest of her teams forms.

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