" We continued at the academy and during my first year, what will be called the Uchiha massacre was created and the whole Uchiha clan except for one Sasuke Uchiha, who will be born the same year as me was killed by Itachi Uchiha. He did this because the Uchiha were planning on taking over the village, and you ordered Itachi to kill all if them with his recently acquired Mangegekyo Sharingan. We graduated a year apart. I was stuck on a team with the last Uchiha, boy what a teme he was! We learned to love each other like brother and sister after awhile though. Then we went to take the Chuunin Exams, that's of course when these two love birds met up." She said as she pointed back to Neji and Christina. "I got along well with Neji, after I beat the crap out of him in our fight that is. We became friends and he started dating my all-but-blood-related sister. During the final test, the newly established Oto and Suna attacked Konoha and Sasuke ran off with Orochimaru, the leader of Oto, to get more power. We tried to go after him, but nearly lost the lives of several of my closest friends and me. After that, I left to train with Ero-sennin, wait, sorry, another habit, Jiraiya for three years. I came back and had to fight a man named Pain. He killed many of the people in my village. I defeated him and his six paths and talked him out of his evil ways. He returned the lives of everyone lost with one last Jutsu that cost him his own life. After that, the biju were being collected to create the 10 tails by Madara. The five nations all banded together and we went to war with Madara and his minions. The war was technically lot, even though when the time came, I didn't get to see it. Christina had died at the age of eighteen making Neji very upset." She didn't say how much since Hyuga weren't supposed to show emotions at all, never mind be depressed as he had been. "I was captured 2 years after that and I was the last one. The last jinchurriki. They were sucking the life out of me in an extremely painful way. I knew the war would be lost now that they had the ten tails. That's when Kurama gave me the chance to bring two people back with me into the past to help change everything. I accepted, and that's where Obito met us." Naruko finished.

"You really expect us to believe that?" Kakashi asked.

"Of course, because it's the truth after all." Naruko said.

"Prove it." Kakashi said.

"Okay, here's something. You don't believe me, but I know everything about your future, past, and present self. You were my sensei after all, I learned all about you. Things that you confided in me and only me since I was your sensei's kid. Here, let me show you. Your favorite food is soup with eggplant in it. Birthday is September 7th. Teammates Rin and Obito. Judging by what I've seen of your age so far, your still working on your new technique, 'Chidori'. You wear a mask because you wore it to mourn your father after he committed suicide so people wouldn't recognize you as easily. After awhile, you started to realize how stupid it was to do so, and you felt ashamed of yourself, so you never took it off and played it off as you just picked a new way to dress. You truthfully miss your father more than anything, even if you'd never admit it. You miss the way he would pat your head say 'good job sport' and you miss how when you were younger, when he returned from missions, how he would pick you up and give you a kiss on the cheek and tell you how much he missed you. You miss how he would tickle you after that. You miss calling him 'Daddy' as you did before you became a ninja. You keep your emotions bottled up inside because your afraid that if you don't, you won't be able to distance yourselves from others, and that you'll end up picking them over the mission to save their lives. Then you'll be shunned by the village just as your father. And when you yourself commit suicide, that when you get to heaven and meet your father, he'll hate you just as much as the villagers because you made the same 'mistake' he did. That he won't love you as his son anymore. I know all of this and more, would you like me to continue?" Naruko asked, smiling a nice, warm smile at him.

He was bewildered. He'd never told anyone any of that. Not even his birthday. She had hit spot on, when no one had ever figured him out for the past 6 years. Yet here this girl was, telling him exactly how he felt about himself. Is it possible that she was from the future? That she had traveled back. Why had he been so open with her? He was never that open with even his sensei himself.

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