"Lyla?" Clary called me ea darting worriedly from the girl to Isabelle who too had stopped to ensure the girl was okay.

"We don't have much time, someone is inside." Lyla suppressed a cough before shaking her head slightly. The experience of feeling what the victim was, was foreign to the strawberry blonde. She was even more scared as she didn't know what it meant. Lyla took off once more, pushing her legs harder as the blare of sirens became audible, and the many people forming a circle to watched the enflame building became visible.

"Ma'am you're not allowed to go any further." An officer who was keeping the anxious crowd at bay brought the frantic girls to an halt.

"No, no you don't understand. Someone's trapped inside." Lyla rushed out, eyes darting to the building.

"I assure you the fire department are doing their job and all civilians have been removed from the building." The officer stood like a boulder his brown eyes not showing an ounce of understanding and Lyla could accept that he was doing his job. He thought he was protecting people and maybe he was but she knew deep down someone was still inside and if she could she wanted to save them.

"You're wrong."

"Lyla," Isabelle called the Spade girl pulling her back slightly. The three walked out of earshot the officer watching them curiously. "You and Clary create a diversion, I'll go inside."

Lyla and Clary was fast to protest. "Absolutely not." They spoke simultaneously.

"It's too dangerous even for you." Clary tried reasoning. "None of us can go inside."

"So what? We let whoever is inside die?" Lyla asked incredulously, eyes wide as she openly gaped at the girl.

"If we go inside we die, what good does that do? We aren't mundanes but that doesn't mean we're invincible." Clary argued not wanting any of them to put themselves at risk for a complete stranger.

"I know I'm not invincible and I certainly know that being burnt alive isn't a pleasant way to go." Her green eyes were wide as she glanced back at the burning building, her heart thudding oddly fast in her chest. "For some reason I can feel whatever whoever is feeling in there and I'm here breathing fresh air but it is still painful. All my life I've only found dead bodies, but now I have a chance to save someone close to dying and that's all I've ever wanted."

Isabelle was first to speak up. "I'm coming with you."

The strawberry blonde shook her head "No, you stay here and call the others, distract them long enough for me to get inside."

"There's no changing your mind is there?" Clary smiled sadly watching as the girl shrugged with a small smile of her own.

"I guess I'm on a roll today."

"Be careful." Izzy and Clary spoke in sync

Lyla smiled and tilted her head to the side. "Have a little faith." With one last smile, Lyla watched as the girls moved to getting their plan into action. Pursing her lips she pulled her hair up into a topknot before pulling the flaps of her unbuttoned coat to her body. The clack of heels were a dull hum, a mere background noise to the utter chaos of the crowd. The closer she got to the entrance, the more she felt the heat. The firefighters were busy trying to out the blade to notice the girl stepping through the doorway and into the building. The smoke wasn't bad on the ground floor as the fire was still on the top floors of the building but the walls had started showing signs of their soon crumbling. Various objects were scattered across the floor, from the people who previously scampered to the exit, a lone dolly one of them. Lyla bent slightly lifting the plastic toy, smiling slightly at the missing arm and leg. Her heart clenched at the realization that kids were present in the building.

Screaming Death ⚔ Jace Herondale [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now