Part V

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When you and Thor arrive to the Great Hall you ate at last night, your hand is shaking so hard you wouldn't be surpised if it would drop from your arm. Last night the god of mischief seemed pretty aware of his state as a god and you are kinda scared, if he would get angry at you or do something.

"Loki" Thor says calmly as he nods to the two guards on his brother's both sides, allowing them to leave.

"Do you have something to say to lady (y/n)? About last night?" Thor asks with a raised, strict voice after the guards have left the hall, leaving you three alone. The blackhaired god immediately raises an eyebrown.
"I don't even know the point of this. Why am I here?" he sighs, sounding already tired of this whole situation.

You swallow. If he doesn't remember anything... he might get angry, since he doesn't see the point of this.

Thor has his mouth open and eyes widen. "You what?" he rages, you watch him and see a blue light starting to sparkle on his hands. As you move your look down to his hands to see clearer, you notice a little lighting running trough his fingers.
"Thor?" you ask since the god doesn't notice the sparkles. Who knows what the angry god of thunder could do...
"What?" he snaps and looks at you. You flinch from his snapping, but continue.
"Y-your hands..."

Thor moves his glanze down to his hands and as he sees what's going on, a confused look raises to his face even if you can't understand why. He is a god of thunder after all, so isn't lighting and all that stuff... like a part of him? His thing?
"Thor? What is it?"

Thor is still confused as he looks his palms. "I-I didn't even notice" he stutters, obviously stunned.
A laugh is heard.
"How wonderful, without Mjölnir you can't focus your powers" Loki says, bringing you two back from confusion.

As Thor remembers the situation he snaps his head up and runs to his brother. "Don't you seriously remember anything?" he hisses to Loki's face as he grabs him by his jaw, ignoring his comment. You look at the two gods.

You can't just understand why Thor is taking this so seriously. I mean, obviously what Loki did was wrong... But since he was drunk and doesn't remember it, maybe we should just forget about it, you think, not wanting to draw attention. And if you are honest, it was kinda your fault. I was the one to stay with him...

You always had a vision of Asgard being a heaven. Ofcourse, for someone Loki's doings would have been a deadly experience, but in Helheim you saw and experienced so much darker and worser things so a rough kiss doesn't affect you. I am a warrior.
Besides, this is the first day in Asgard and you are already uncertain about your relationship with the god of mischief, the brother of the ruler... Great.

"It's okay, he was just drunk... And I have seen worse" you say with a quiet voice to Thor, who is breathing hard to the other god's face. "No, it's not, (y/n)" he says and turns to you. "This was not the first time, but it should be the last" he snaps as he turns back to Loki.

Thor takes a deep breath . "Loki, listen. If you can't control yourself when you have been drinking, you shouldn't drink in the first place. Do you understand?" he says with a serious and strict tone in his deep voice, but the blackhaired god rolls his eyes.
"Sorry, when did I ask you to be my babysitter?" he sighs but Thor graps his collar. "Thor!" you shout - since you don't want to witness any more abuse - but he ignores you.

"You fool! This is no time for your stupid jokes. Do you understand what I am trying to say, Loki?" he almost shouts the repeat as his fingers starts to glint against his brother'a collar, again. Loki also notices that and for a second you can see a panic in his eyes. "Okay, okay!" he hurrys before he blinks the slight panic away. "Okay. I'm sorry, (y/n). I was, I suppose, drunk and didn't mean it, whatever I did" he mumbles the last words as Thor lets him go.

"Don't you seriously remember... anything?" you ask carefully but receive a sigh and a roll of eyes.
"Why, if I may ask, would I lie?" he asks with a tired expression on his face. You nod since he is making a point, but his brother doesn't buy it. "As much as my heart desires it, my brother can't be trusted" he says but you nod to Loki as you answer Thor.
"It's okay, Thor" you say and turn to him. "I am so grateful that you two allow me to stay here. A bad blood with your brother is the last thing I want... so may we forget about this?"

"You can stay as long as you want" Thor says before he looks at you for a uncomfortable long, thinking about if he should let this topic go.
Finally he sighs.
"And if that is what you truly wish. Loki" he says and gives him a look that tells this was not done, if you ask him. And as he continues, you notice you are right. "I will not watch this for any longer" he says. "As a god and an asgardian your irreverent, unhonorable behaviour needs to stop. We will talk about this later, in private." he tells the other god, clearly saying how this is the final warning.

Loki gives him an angry leer. "We shall indeed, brother" he says with his smooth voice, earning a warning glanze from Thor.

If you are honest, you have no idea why Thor is being so pissed about this. Clearly this has happened before, like he said, but still something is wrong... However you decide to drop the subject, for now. As you think, you hear muffled speech by Thor and Loki but when you bring yourself back from your thoughts, they have already stopped talking.

"Don't you have anything to say to Loki?" Thor asks, clearly not certain about your decission to forget it all. As you remember the lightingsparks from his hand and his weird reaction, you want to figure what was going on. You shake your head, hoping that you would soon know the deal with him and his powers.
He really is the god of thunder... and I'm staying at his palace! you think, not believing your luck.

"Then you shall go. I will have a talk with my brother" Thor says, giving a glanze to the bored god.
"We will have the next meal in three hours."
You nod and turn, ready to go but soon stop and turn back and look at Thor. "After you are ready, can we talk too?"

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