Sebastian lifted my veil and smiled at me. I smiled back. Then he leaned a bit then our faces were inches away. He just touched our lips with each other. It was not a kiss but a peck. But the feeling was amazing. The feeling of his soft lips against mine. Then we faced the people and smiled. Now it's time for party!

Sebastian and I got into the same car and we drove to the venue. The car ride was awkward and silent. When reached the place, he offered me his hand and I took it. We walked in together. Everyone was waiting inside for us. We sat on the center table and it was time for speeches. The first one was our parents. Told told us how much they love us and all. Then Will, Chace, Charles and Ethan shared their best wishes and some happy memories . Then it was Maddie's turn. But Lily was fussing so much. So she passed it to Johnny.

"Hello guys. Congratulations to the Bride and Groom. I will try to keep my speech short. I just want to share a quick memory with you. Everyone knows that Maddie and I were friends from middle school and we started to date in highschool. So eventually Bri and I were friends. I was so shocked when I first heard that Bri is not Maddie's sibling. The way they loved her and the way she love them, you won't be able to guess that she us not a Prince. 

"Though I know her since she wears her diaper and pig tales (that's when everyone started to laugh and I had already tears on my eyes) Still, on the day before our wedding day she called me and said that. "If you hurt Maddie of even try to think about it. You will find yourself in a coffin which will be buried 10 ft from the ground" (again we laughed). 

"That day I was so shocked to hear that she knew me for ages but still she threatened me just because she love Maddie and felt a sister bond. I didn't get that till today. When our Bri is getting married .Now I can truly feel how you felt that day, Bri. (Now Jonhny also had tears on his eyes.) Sebastian, Bro, promise me you will love her like the Prince did. You will never ever make her feel, she is an outsider. And if you don't then I will hunt you down and kick your ass (Sebastian chuckled) . Welcome to the Family" with the last bit Johnny chuckle. I mouthed 'I love you' then he kissed my forehead.

Then it was Danny's turn who came to the stage with Lily hung around his neck and her face was burried on the crock of his neck. She loves him the most.

"Okay, guys, just ignore this little munchkin. So yeah. I know Bri since I opened my eyes. I don't have a vivid memory but Mom and Dad  said that you used to spend all day with me when I was just born. I am really thankful to this very girl, who supported me in my every decision. When I wanted to be a football player. Even Mom and Dad refused to let me do that. But there was Bri. Who convinced Mom and Dad and always told me to follow my dream. I am forever grateful to that. And Eric, Bri and I was a trio. I won't be able to forget those moments when we used to sneak out of the house and go on long drives. I love you Bri-Bri. You will always be my first love ( Danny winked and I pouted) .And Sebastian, treat her well.  Or else you can see this 7 ft tall figure here! Welcome to the family" said Danny and I burst out tears. Sebastian grabbed my hand and gave that an assuring squeez.

Lily was trying to snatch the mike from Danny.

"Okay everyone, I think someone has something to say." said Danny shaking his head. Lily took the microphone and said.

"Bi...Lily...wove!" she excitedly clapped her hands. Everyone started to awe.

And then it was time for  the speech,  I was looking forward to hear all the evening.  Eric got into the stage.

"I don't have anything to say about  Bri. My words are for Sebastian. Dude, you are hell a lot lucky guy to have her in your life. I know she can be a bit cracked from the brain but still she is a nice person. You won't find a girl who wears sexy outfit on her. But surely she is the one who can sober you up. Whenever Danny, Bri and I went to party she didn't even touch the alcohol. She used to carry us home safe. She is the most kind hearted person you will ever find. Not everyman can have beauty with brains. You got one. Treat her well. See through her beautiful heart and you will fall in love with her. I love you Bri. Hope you guys have a happily married life. And it was so far the most praising words I have ever tell about you. (laughs). And yeah Seb, welcome to our crazy family. Hope we will drive you crazy as well" as Eric finished his speech I couldn't help my tears . Sebastian warped his arm around my shoulder. Then Eric came. I hugged him tightly.

"It's time for Daddy-daughter dance!" announced the DJ. Dad and I got into the floor.

"You know I can't dance." said Dad with a  nervous chuckle.

"Me neither Dad " I said and we burst out laughter. Our dance was more like a toddlers trying to dance. After our dance it was the 'First Dance'

Sebastian and I got into the floor and Sebastian placed his one hand on my waist and the other took my hand. I held his shoulder. It was so odd. Because I was sooo shorter than Sebastian even in heels. Our height difference was like Elsa and Hemsworth. I am even shorter than Elsa. I am a bit more than 5ft and Sebastian was 6ft. I was facing his chest.

"Let me tell you one thing. I can't dance." I admitted. Sebastian chuckled .

"Really? Then just place your head on my shoulder and follow my lead" said Sebastian

"Did you do it intentionally? You know I can't even reach your shoulder" I said with a annoyed face.

"You are wearing you heel now." chuckles Sebastian.

"Still i can't reach!" I whined.

"Okay then place you head on where it reaches" signed Sebastian. I hesitantly placed my head on middle of Sebastian's chest and end of neckline.

I was so odd for me. For the first time in my life I have been so close to a man. Well Danny and Eric are like my brother so they don't count.

Sebastian started to slow dance and I matched the beat.

"You look good today." said Sebastian.

"Thanks, same goes for you." I said .

After the dance one by one everyone started to join the dance floor. Sebastian excudsed himself and went to dance with his Mom and I danced with Chace for a while.

One by one people started to leave and then the only people left was our family and the Prices.

"I think it's time to go home." said Sebastian. I nodded.

"I hope you guys have a great life ahed." smiled Mom.

"Here, it's your wedding gift" said Uncle Prince as he handed Sebastian an envelope.

"What's that?" I said.

"It's a honeymoon trip for you guys." winked Uncle Prince.

"Thanks, Mr. Prince." smiled Sebastian.

"Oh  call me Uncle Prince, Son. You are a family now." smiled Uncle Prince.

"Bye Bye Bri!" said Maddie as she hugged me. Johnny, Eric and Danny joined us.

"Meet us often. Okay?" said Eric.

"Sure!" I said. Then we bid our goodbyes and went to Sebastian's car. I waved them bye and thenwe turned and they were out of the view.

Again the ride was silent. But after a while Sebastian cleared his throat.

"It was a nice party." smiled Sebastian.

"So much for an unwanted wedding" I chuckled. Sebastian let out a laugh.

"So we won't be that kind of couple who will hate each other?" said Sebastian sarcastically.

"You want  us to be?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Come on! You are no fun!" mocked Sebastian and lightly punched my arm.

"We have to work on so many things."  I said.

"I have thought some things. I just need your approval ." said Sebastian.

"Okay." I said. Again awkward silence.

"Bir?" said Sebastian still eye on the road.

"Uh?" I was about to doze off. He stopped the car and looked at me.

"Can we be friends?" said Sebastian with a smile. I smiled evern brightly

"Sure!" I said happily.

"Friends?" said Sebastian offering hand for handshake like a 5 year old.

"Friends?" I shook the hand and nodded. 

Arranged Marriage To Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now