~Chapter 2: Seto's Succeeded Attempt~

Começar do início

Rose was busy cooking dinner while she looked over her math homework. She would start off small, like math, then work her way up to the hardest subject, which would be science and social studies.

Her brother was spending the night at a friend's house.

She gave a lonely sigh, frowning at her food. "I wish to love someone," she quietly said. "And then be loved back..." She put her food on a plate and went to sit on a windowsill, just as a shooting star come across the sky, to stare out the window. Missing the shooting star.

Then smirked. "He'll totally fail." She began to eat her dinner, which was just rice. She doesn't eat all that much. Mainly because she wasn't all that fond of eating all that much.

Once done, she tossed them in the trash and got ready for bed. Setting up her alarm, and curled up under the blankets. Yawning, she whispered, "I just hope he's not like the rest..."

She fell asleep. Not really knowing what she mumbled to herself.

-Next Morning-

Rose was talking to Joey when a sleak black limo, same as yesterday, pulled up beside them. She groaned as she saw the window being rolled down.

"What do you want, Kaiba?" She hissed at him.

He just gave her a small smile. "Want a lift?" He asked. "I'll listen to whatever you want to talk about."

Her and Joey were both stunned. He recovered faster.

"Why'd she wanta ride from a bast'rd like ya?!" Joey asked, snarling in reply.

Seto looked at the younger male with a cold glare. "What's it to you? And was I asking you, Mutt?"

Joey growled at him before Rose interrupted.

"On one condition," she responded.

Both boys looked shocked. However, Joey recovered faster, again. Seto soon following after.

"What'da ya doin', Rose?!" He hysterically asked her, worried.

She held up a hand, silencing the other blond. Her face was serious as she gazed into Seto's blue eyes. His eyes being a darker blue than her own.

"What's the condition?" Seto carefully asked her.

"Take my younger brother, my brother's friends, my three small kid neighbors across the hall from me and all my friends to Kaiba Land on Saturday," was her answer. Keeping her tone serious. As well as her stance, which is calm and relaxed.

Seto thought about it cautiously. Then nodded. "Alright," he said as he slid over in the seat. "Deal."

She turned to Joey, giving him an innocent smile as she hugged him. Opening the limo door, she climbed in and closed it.

"What made you want to be nice?" She icily asked him. Her backpack at her feet.

He raised an eyebrow. "I can't be nice to you?" He questioned her back. "Why do you think I have an ulterior motive?"

"Because you're an asshole to everyone. So, what makes me different?"

He shrugged his shoulders. He really had no answer to that. An answer that he could admit, anyways.

Then she smirked. "Didn't think you'd actually take me up on my offer."

He turned toward her, smirking back. "You did perk my interest."

She gave him a slightly harsh laugh. "No guarantees that you'll win my heart."

After all, she thought to herself. I have a bunch of locks around my heart. The only one who's able to show my true self is my brother and my cute little neighbors across the hall.

My Savior or My Captor? (Seto/Rose)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora