~Chapter 3: Atem's Planning~

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Today is my birthday! So, my gift to you guys is an update with this series! I hope you like it as much as I do!

I put a lot of work into this...

Without further ado, HERE'S THE CHAPTER!


~Chapter 3: Atem's Planning~

-Atem's Apartment-

Once Atem got home, he put his backpack down in his one bedroom. He lives alone in his apartment, working in Yugi's shop to keep it. Plus, he makes enough to feed himself via dueling.

However, he gets lonely. He wants someone to come home to, cooking dinner for the two of them. Maybe a few kids running around.

And he wants Rosalie Ashlen Watson, aka Rose.

He shakes himself from his thoughts and begins to do his homework. After he was done with his homework, he began to plan.

-Friday Morning-

Seto's 2017 white Camaro, with his Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the hood, was in front of her apartment complex. Rose tole him to get a car that wasn't the limo.

He parked there, climbing out and locking the doors. Then went to push the button of Rose's apartment number 201.

"Be right down," Rose said through the speaker. She got her backpack, hurrying out the door.

"Bye, Ash!" She called over her shoulder. She left the keys behind for Ash to lock the door. Then made her way across the hall, knocking softly on the door. Not wanting to disturb the elderly man.

"Coming!" A cute, cheerful voice called.

"Sammy!" Dan scolded, frowning at their younger sister. "Let Nick answer the door."

"But," Sammy sadly spoke. Rose can just picture the puppy-dog eyes on her. "What if it's Mommy?"

Rose smiled at hearing that. Sammy, or Akiko is Rose's nickname for her, was only three years old and called her "Mommy." Nick and Dan, they're both five years old, or Neo and Daedalus, were the only ones who call her "Rose." She didn't mind being called "Mommy," though. It just made her heart swell and grow fonder for the three siblings.

"Fine," the twins grumbled. Their will crumbling because of Sammy's dangerous puppy-dog eyes.

Then Rose hear the door unlocking, she got ready to pick up the little girl. By getting down to the floor with her arms wide open.

Just as the blonde predicted, a little girl with long, white hair jumped into the teen's arms.

"Good morning, Akiko," Rose greeted, smiling as she stood up. Then set Sammy on her hip, looking at the boys on the couch. One was reading, Dan, and the other was watching an action movie, Nick.

"Morning, Mommy," Sammy said, wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck. A dress on for daycare and her carseat by the door.

"Neo, Daedalus," Rose said, smiling at the boys. "Time to go."

Nick looked up from his movie, groaning. A hint of a smile could be seen in his eyes. The boy has red eyes while his hair is dark blue with lavender streaks. As usual, he's wearing washed-out jeans, old Nike sneakers and a navy blue shirt.

Dan glanced up at Rose, smiling a little bit. He's the middle child. His eye and hair color is different from his brother's. He has light blue hair with pink streaks. Aqua is his eye color, too. Unlike Nick, he was wearing his school uniform.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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