~Chapter 1: Meeting Yugi & The Gang~

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Hey guys~!!! This is THE latest installment of "My Savior or My Captor?"

And I'll dedicate EVERY chapter too my lovely followers!!!

Hope you like it~!! :D


~Chapter 1: Meeting Yugi and the Gang~

"Ashy-boo!" Rosalie, or Rose, cooed. Gently shaking her brother awake. "It's time for school."

"Five more minutes, sis," Ashworth, or Ash, mumbled. Burying his head further into the pillow.

"Get up now or I WILL use the ice water," she said. Then pushed him out of the futon with a tiny giggle.

He landed with a soft 'thud' on the floor. As quickly as he fell, he got right back up.

"What was that for, Rose?!" He yelled. Clearly he was annoyed. A natural reaction from him.

She gave him the most innocent smile. Time was good to her. Her baby fat was gone, not a pimple in sight, and she had her own confidence. She wore her own style and never cared about what people say about her.

"I did nothing of that sort," she responded, fighting hard to keep the smirk off her face.

"You pushed me out of our bed!" He yelled, sulking slightly.

"It was the only way to keep our bed from getting wet," she pointed out before going into the kitchen to make breakfast. "Omelets, bacon, and sausage sound good?" She asked him from the kitchen.

"Alright!" He said, going for the bathroom. "Greenpeppers, onions, and bacon in my omelet, please?"

She did his request without a word of protest.

When he got out of the shower, and she was done cooking breakfast, she set his paper plate and plastic fork at his spot on the dining room table.

"Bon appetite!" She told him, when he came into the dining room.

He was wearing his school uniform. Which was a red shirt and pants. His collar was buttoned up all the way, like its supposed to be. And his collar is white.

"You look so cute!" She gushed, walking over to him. Then gave him a big hug.

His face looked like his uniform. "Sh-shut up," he mumbled, wiggling out of her arms.

"Eat your breakfast while I change into my uniform," she instructed, heading for the bathroom. For she had already ate.

He began to eat his omelet and drink his orange juice. After he was done, he threw his trash in the garbage.

Once she was done changing, she scowled at her reflection.

Eventually she left the bathroom, grabbing her bookbag on the way. She has to wear a big blue bow on her neck, a pink blouse, and a blue skirt. A short skirt, too.

"Ready, bro?" She asked, grabbing her house keys. There was only one key and she only lets him have them when he's planning on coming home late.

"Yep," was his reply, doing the same. Except minus picking up the key.

She took his hand, kissing his forehead, in a motherly way, and left the apartment, with him in tow. Locking the door before they headed out. For their new schools, Domino Middle (Ash) and High (Rose).

After dropping her brother off, she began to walk down the street.

A block away, she thought, giggling. Totally loving the school!

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