Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

They traveled several miles further into the city, where the forest became thick enough to hide them again. The troupe – minus two but plus one unexpected companion now – made camp far enough away from the city limit that the smoke from their fire wouldn't easily be detected. The tentative plan was to stay there until they could formulate a new plan which, Espio informed Kay, would depend upon what she told him about her encounter with Aurora in the palace.

So while the men and Nikōru sat several yards away near the fire, Kay told the prince everything. How she'd been seen by and chased after Aurora to keep the others from being discovered. How she'd learned from the Dimension Keepers' leader what their intentions were. That Shadow the Hedgehog was Aurora's second-in-command. Espio listened with rapt attention, never interrupting, saving all his questions for the end of her story.

"Their reason for attacking the royal family and disrupting the loyalty of the clans is based solely on their intention to make this planet more 'pure?'" The prince was clearly confused as he asked this question.

"I believe it's more along the lines of preparing the planet for the introduction of Chaos, which, in Aurora's mind, will in turn make the planet more 'pure,' but basically yes."

"Is there anything more you can tell me about this...Chaos? Did she say what it is exactly?"

Kay decided she wouldn't tell him that Aurora hadn't needed to explain what it was to her. She paused for a moment, then said, "Chaos is both a power supply and a kind of life force that can either bind the planet together and make it stronger, or tear it apart and bring total destruction. It depends on who uses it, and why. Hence the name Chaos."

"And our planet does not have this force within it already?"


"But the leader of the Dimension Keepers wants to introduce it? How does one introduce a life force to a planet that is already alive and thriving?"

Good question, Kay thought. "In this case, there are very rare gems called Chaos Emeralds that contain the power of Chaos in them. They can be used as vessels to introduce Chaos to a world that has never known it. That's how the Prime Universe was created as well."

"The Prime Universe?"

"The primary dimension. The one upon which all others are based. The one Aurora is trying to model this dimension after."

Espio shook his head, but didn't say anything for several moments. When he did speak again, it was with a hint of frustration. "This is all ludicrous. She intends to reach across other dimensions with a power she does not yet have in the hopes that she will be able to gain that same power? How does she expect that to work?"

Kay sighed. "I don't know."

"Did you learn anything more about her second in command? That black hedgehog?"

"His name is Shadow," she said. "He can teleport, but I'm not entirely sure how. He doesn't say much."

"You said he let you go after Aurora ordered him to detain you? Perhaps if his loyalty to her is so thin he can be persuaded to our side. We could really use someone like him fighting for us. I've never seen anyone like him."

Just then Kay had a thought. "What about the other two clans? Yours and the Gossamer? The ones who haven't joined the Dimension Keepers yet?"

Espio nodded. "Both clans have been informed about what is happening here in the capital, but they live on the outskirts of the kingdom. Their help will take time in arriving, if it is to arrive at all. The Yagyu tend to gravitate toward busier areas of the kingdom, so many of them were already here even before their lord was swayed to the enemy's side. The Storm clan..." He sighed. "They were drawing closer to the palace in preparation to become the next ruling clan. My sister was to marry a son of Storm, but..."

A silence settled between them then. After several moments Kay murmured, "I'm sorry." Espio nodded his acknowledgement, but did not reply. He wasn't looking at her now. When another minute had passed, Kay asked, "So what will happen now? If the clans remain separated..."

"There will be war," Espio replied. "Just as there was centuries ago before the kingdom as we know it today was formed."

"If we stop Aurora," Kay said, "and take down the Dimension Keepers...would you marry a daughter of the Storm clan?"

"I am now the crown prince, so if things manage to return to the way they were, then yes, I'll marry a daughter of Storm." He scoffed. "Although I admit I am less than pleased at the idea, having seen how easily their Bride betrayed us in this crisis."

Kay wanted to ask him more about his family, but before she could do so he lifted his eyes to her again and said, "There is one thing I still do not understand, shiriai. That day at the haven, the Yagyu were looking for you. They were after you." Kay froze. "Why?"

Kay couldn't breathe. Her first instinct – as always – was to play the innocent, pretend she didn't know, let events unfold on their own. But here in this moment, as she looked at Espio, she realized she couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't play dumb. Not when there was so, so much more at stake than just others thinking her odd, or even insane. This was about reality itself for this universe now. If she kept quiet about who she'd been – the role she'd played in the Prime Universe's history – what consequences would that have?

She didn't want to find out.

"I'm afraid you won't believe me if I tell you, your highness," she answered honestly. She averted her gaze from his as his eyes took on a new, curious intensity.

"After everything else I've learned tonight, I doubt anything else could surprise me," he said. "Please, tell me, Kay."

She nodded, took a breath, and then just let it all out in at once. "I'm not from this dimension. I'm actually from another planet entirely. Or...I was. Until recently." At the prince's frown, she hurried to get to the point before he started in with the inevitable questions. "The Dimension Keepers – Aurora – they want me because of the things I've done for this planet in other dimensions. Things I did a long, long time ago. I can't seem to get it through to her that I don't have what she needs anymore."

"The things you've done?"

Kay took another breath. "Do you remember the Chaos Emeralds I told you about earlier? the Prime Universe, seven of them are scattered across the planet. They are what give it power, and life. Everyone is always scrambling to try and get all seven, because once you have all seven you are virtually unstoppable. But even more powerful than the Seven Chaos Emeralds is the Master Emerald. It controls the seven, so if you control the Master Emerald, you control everything.

"The Master Emerald isn't just a gem that can be harnessed, though. It's...alive, in its own way. It harbors the spirit of Chaos himself. The being, not the force. It's...hard to explain. The point is, a long time ago the Prime Universe was in trouble. The Master Emerald began to search for someone to help protect the planet, and for reasons I still don't entirely understand, it reached across time and space and chose me. It took me from my own home planet – my people, my species – and transformed me into one of its own." Kay gestured at herself, smiled a little. "I've never been the same since."

Espio absorbed this new information for a while, looking equal parts confused, intrigued, and suspicious. Finally, after a long silence, he asked, "So Aurora hopes to use you – the savior of the Prime Universe – in her mission to destroy life as we know it in this universe?"

Kay nodded. "She wants to, yes. But that's where it ends. I refuse to help her. This dimension is certainly unlike any I've ever seen, but it is still an offshoot of the Prime Universe. Meaning it is still Mobius, whether it has Chaos in it or not. And if there is even just one dimension out there in which Chaos doesn't exist, I say let it be. I've seen what Chaos can do, both when used for good and evil. This world does not need that, especially now, after it's already been well established on its own, as you said. I will fight against anything Aurora plans to do in regards to merging the dimensions that way. I don't even want to think about the consequences of trying something so dangerous on so grand a scale."

"So you are with the crown, then, senshi?"

Kay paused only a moment, surprised by the new name. "One hundred percent, your highness."

Espio nodded once. "Good." He got to his feet. "All that's left to do now is to fight back."

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