Chapter 2

117 3 35

November 15th, 2017

White, cotton, fluffy balls that once hung from the sky now turned into a dark grey like smoke from a cigar, blocking the sunlight that had shined so bright before and provided the heat that sometimes became overwhelming. The seasons transition from one to another, leaves change color, each day it gets colder, autumn is here.

Your breath could be seen inches in front of your face, leaving your mouth every time you exhale. You inhale that cold air, all of it going straight to your lungs. You feel it in your throat, your nose; you feel the coldness rush to your lungs. Air fills your lungs until it sends a sharp pain to your chest, and then you exhale once again. And you find yourself breathless, quite literally, your lungs deflate due to the lack of air and it hurts too much so you inhale again.

The city of Salt Lake, in the middle of autumn, was barely livable in just a plain hoodie. Temperatures became almost unbearable to those not accustomed to the harshly cold winters of Salt Lake City, Utah faces. The air was cold enough to see your own breath every time you breathe. It was becoming that time of year--that time of year that some loved and some hated. That time of year where the cold was expected to come, and it came indeed.

The trio was seen outside walking, bundled up in their warm attire, their destination being the beloved diner. Andi and Buffy's hands were enclosed in gloves which were placed in the pockets of their jeans, being constantly reminded of the freezing air that smashed against their skin as their bodies crept up the boulevard.

Their hoodies propped up a bit to cover their freezing noses, turning into a bright red as soon as they graced the outside air. Beanies covered the aching ears that resembled the bright redness of a waxed apple on all three of them. Their legs began to shake with every step they took, deciding that wearing only jeans wasn't enough for the coldness outside where they weren't expecting Salt Lake to be this cold.

No sane person walked the sidewalks, the alleys, or the paths laid out through the city. No car rode on the street, for the street laid bare on this solemn day. The engines didn't roar at this moment, birds were nowhere to be heard chirping their heart out, only the wind brushing past still objects and the gleeful teenager fanboy-ing over a series he just got finished reading.

He rambled on while no one listened, everyone was too concerned about things in their life. In fact, his non-stop talking became background noise to Andi and Buffy, and still, he talked. Buffy's eyes glance over to her friend, Andi, who hasn't looked up from the ground since they greeted each other at her house. She looks back down to the ground covered in frost.

Still, Cyrus rambles on, Andi stares at the ground and Buffy just listens to what is happening. The wind, her friend, the extremely faint chatter from the diner just a few meters away. And still, the diner is exactly how it always is, jam-packed and insurmountable in noise.

Buffy glances over at Andi once again only to see her friend look upwards toward the sign that emitted light just above the entrance of the diner. Buffy looked up too, the sign was an arrow curving towards the door, the outline of the arrow covered in lights, which, at this moment, shown a bright red. Then, in bold, vintage handwriting says, "The Spoon," surrounded by the tube-light decorations that fit in the remaining space of the sign.

It almost looked as if it was the gates to Heaven and the journey they trekked through from Andi's house to the diner was the stairway. It looked magnificent--it was the best thing they could ever see at that moment. And then, Buffy interrupts Cyrus mid-sentence telling him to shut up, where he complies. A little whine came from the boy as he looked down in disappointment.

"Guys, we're here! We're finally here!" Buffy rejoiced, her voice filled with cheer and her heart filled with hope. Andi looks up for the first time since she came outside, and there crept a little smirk on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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