Chapter 1

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"Hello?" The soft voice made all of their heads turn.

"Yes? How can we help you?" Seokjin questions, narrowing his eyes. They've never seen her before.

"Sorry for bothering you. I need help finding--Is that an old fashion game boy?" She gasps in surprise. Jeongguk and Taehyung immediately perk up.

"Yes. Yes it is. You play?" Taehyung asks, his voice deep and smooth. Y/N nods happily, giving them a bright smile.

"I haven't played in years! Oh! Right, I forgot what I was going to say. Do you mind telling me where--?"

"Hey, new girl!" All of their heads turn to see a group of girls staring at Y/N. "You shouldn't be talking to them. They're just a bunch of freaks that will give you major STD's." She comments, sending a dirty look to the group of boys. The girl was holding a strawberry ice cream cone, the red color matching her hair.

Y/N blinks, curiously looking down at them. They all had looked back down at the table, minding their own business again. Even so, she could still see the sad and shameful looks on their faces.

"Freaks, huh?" Y/N mumbles, turning around and walks over to the girl. Taehyung's grip on the gameboy visibly tightens, worrying the young maknae. He was about to reassure his hyung when an ear piercing scream catches their attention.

Their gazes snap over to see Y/N bouncing back, laughing. The girl talking smack was hunched over, strawberry ice cream dripping off her hair. "I forgot to mention, I'm kind of a freak too! Don't us freaks just act irrational all the time?" Y/N snorts, tilting her head. "Oopsie me, I must've forgot."

"Freak!" She shouts, storming away with a teacher.

"That's what I just tried telling you!" Y/N shouts after her retreating form. Two guards quickly storm up to Y/N, grabbing her wrists and dragging her away. Y/N quickly turns her head, giving the seven of them a wink and smile.

Y/N slowly opens her eyes and sighs. Such a nice memory. She missed them. At that moment, Y/N hadn't realized she met all of her soulmates at once. She ended up finding out with them months later.

It took about 10 minutes of laying there in full silence before she got bored. Y/N twists around on her uncomfortable bed until the upper half of her body dangled over the edge, her legs up against the wall.

Typically, Y/N would be asleep, dreaming of memories she had with them. It's been years since she's seen them. Within those years, the people locking her up had been trying to force her to forget. What was the word they used? Brainwash? Yes. That's the one.

Memories are what kept her going and remember them. Y/N was never allowed back into the public, even if all of her soulmates were dead. She was forced to watch them all get shot down, one by one. Just thinking about that made her chest hurt.

"Y/N, you've got to stop thinking about that. It's not healthy." Y/N huffs, slipping up onto her bed so her back pressed against the wall instead. She stares at the seven figures in her room and pouts.

"But Jeonggukie, it still hurts. It's not like I can't not think about it." He gives her a bunny smiles and pats her head.

"Oh! Look, Y/N! It's been exactly two years starting today! Draw a line, draw a line!" Taehyung cheers, bouncing over on the bed. Y/N looks at the wall, scanning it over. She beams when she realizes Taehyung is correct and nods.

"That's right!" Y/N grabs the chalk under her pillow and messily draws a line on the wall. Leaning back, she smiles in accomplishment and nods. She quickly turns around, only to find her room completely empty.

The smile slowly fades and loneliness begins to creep in. Oh. There was a loud buzzer, causing Y/N to jump. She quickly puts the chalk behind her bed and faces the door, puffing up her cheeks.

Two guards storm inside, standing on the side of the door. A tall man walks in, glaring down at Y/N in disgust. He raises his arm, the back of his hand harshly coming down on her cheek. Y/N shouts in pain, falling down against the bed.

She chuckles, slowly pushing herself back up. Y/N glares at the man, licking the ball of blood forming on her broken lip. "Pleasure to see you too, Mr. Lee. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Shut up. You'll be leaving South Korea and moved to America." She grin immediately drops from her face.

"What? No! You can't move me away from here. This country is my home!" Y/N shouts, standing up on the bed. The leverage made her inches taller, making her look down at him.

The guards immediately take action, firing their guns. Electricity runs up and down Y/N's body, sending her waves of pain. She immediately drops, her body rolling onto the ground. The electric waves finally stop and Y/N curls into a ball, her body twitching uncontrollably. Her breathing comes out labored, her heart beating erratically.

"Take her out of here. We leave in ten minutes." Mr. Lee straightens his suit before making a sharp turn and walking out of the cell. The guards grab Y/N by the arms, lifting her tiny form up.

Her toes barely grazed against the ground, her head hanging between her arms. She wasn't unconscious. Her limbs felt like lead and she didn't want to move. Her entire body felt like one big dull, throbbing pain.

Her body was thrown into a cage, the door slamming shut behind her. She lifts her head, seeing herself locked inside of a truck. She was all alone, not a single inmate in sight. Y/N scurries to the front of the cage, gripping onto the bars tightly.

Mr. Lee walks forward, his cold eyes never leaving her own. "You're making a mistake. You can't take me away from here. My family lives here!" Y/N cries, rattles the bars aggressively.

He clicks his tongue, looking at her in mock pity. "Oh, Y/N. You don't have to worry about that. I guarantee it, they don't love you anymore. It's amazing how a single price can make all of their sorrows disappear." Y/N clenches her jaw, baring her teeth like an animal.

"Not that family." Obviously, she was talking about her soulmates. They were cremated in South Korea and she couldn't stand to be away from them. It's bad enough they were dead, but to be thousands of miles away? No.

"Oh well. They're dead anyways." He clicks his fingers and two guards grab the truck's handles.

"No! You can't do this! NO!" The doors slam shut and darkness consumes her vision. 

My Dead Soulmates (BTS x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن