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m83 // midnight city.

WHEN MK TURNED AROUND, half of the group was getting ready to leave. She was ready and she couldn't wait to go, the church was beginning to feel like a prison and the dust was bothering MK. Set six months into the mission of getting Minho back, and finally it was happening.

She jogs out of the room carrying the duffel bag for Newt, who was eyeing her outfit.

"Look all you want but I have a boyfriend," MK notices him and jokes off.

"You're not gonna go out there dressed like that, are you?" Newt doesn't joke back, almost sounding like an overprotective parent.

"This is all I have. I threw my old clothes out," MK shrugs, wondering what R.A's assistant had done with her clothes she had worn before the shower.

"You're in a sundress and flats."

It was going to be a weird hassle to fight in a dress and flats, but what else could MK do? Run barefoot? Wear nothing to fight? At least Gally's disguise fit him just right. He didn't take too long, and putting it on wasn't a struggle. The only ones who could wear the WCKD guards uniform were Thomas, Newt, Frypan and Gally. The soldier's uniform really suited his figure, considering he wore army pants the other day and the grey T-shirt he had on that showed off his muscles.

"I'll steal from a store inside," MK said.

"Like hell you are!" Newt raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, I snuck inside and stole a truck. If I can do that, then I can steal a shirt and pants."

"MK love, just be careful. Gally was-"

"Worried about me. I know."

"Just stick with his and Thomas's plan, and don't go running off. Alright? You've done that twice."

MK nods her head and Newt walks away. From where he stopped, Gally was escorting Teresa outside, his hand still on her shoulder. She had a gut feeling he didn't want to speak to her as of now, and MK already stepped her foot down on them arguing over something so small and irrelevant at a bad time like this. All that over a promise ring and abduction?

The church was empty and Thomas was the last one to leave. When all the candles were blown out, all that was left behind when they walked out was a pitch black church collecting dust.

MK waits up for Thomas. When they both walked at a same pace, she turns to him. "You nervous?"

"More like stressed. You?"

"You know that kind of anxiety thinking something will not turn out the way you pictured it in your head?" MK asks.

"You're scared Minho won't be there?"

"I'm scared that we're not ready to face WCKD and everything they have in there. Who knows, they're could be baby grievers planted in there."

Thomas couldn't tell if MK was serious or not, but he looked like he was in a rush to leave and catch up with the guys because they were heading the same way, so he gives MK a shoulder pat and jogs up ahead. MK doesn't do the same, she didn't feel the need to. She wasn't going with them inside the building anyway, and she didn't want to annoy them again by arguing with Gally.

NIGHT BEDS ━︎━︎ THE MAZE RUNNERحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن