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night beds // night beds.

MK SIGHS NERVOUSLY, staring at the broken glass used as a mirror held in her hand. It was shaking, but MK trusted that everything would be okay.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Harriet checks her with one last question, holding the pair of scissors in her hand, the other holding a strand of MK's long blonde hair.

She nods. "I'm sure. I want it short."

"How short?" Harriet measures her hair by trailing it from her shoulder and neck.

"Yeah, yep! Right there." Harriet stops at shoulder length. "That short. And I also want bangs."

"I'm not the best at hair styling, MK." Harriet warns her, licking her lips. "You should of asked Sonya. I mean, she braided Brenda's hair and once even braided her own."

"Yeah, but I came to you. Please, Harriet. I want this gone. I'm tired of long, boring hair."

I'm tired of leaving it this long since the Glade.

Harriet takes a deep breath, positioning MK's head straight ahead. "Keep the mirror in front of you where I can see it. And try not to move."

MK hears the sounds of the scissors snipping, and Harriet's hand brushing off the excess cut hair off her back. It was quite relaxing to feel her hair cutting off her like weight off someone' shoulders, and MK sat still as she let the girl from Group B give her a new haircut.

Another day passed at the land, mostly everything was done near sunset. The huts, hammocks, beds made out of wood, lights from lanterns and candles, the generator, Gally teaching Aris how to work the bonfire, Minho and Jorge sitting and eating small snacks.

Minho calls over to Gally, holding out his food. "You want some?"

Gally shook his head, paying attention to his work at the wood. "Nah. I gotta help Aris on this one. We need the fire for tonight."

Aris jiggles the axe that made a huge splitting mark on the firewood.

"Yo, don't touch that," Gally says. "I chopped it there for a reason. Just wait."

"Whoa—" Minho looked up behind him, widening his eyes.

All of them turned to find out what Minho was looking at, and stopped and stared, completely stunned.

"Nice hair," Jorge compliments

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"Nice hair," Jorge compliments.

"Gracias," MK says, walking down the hill.

"In courtesy of me," Harriet smirks, walking behind MK.

Aris smiled. "New girl in town."

"But I liked your Rapunzel long hair," Gally pouts.

"Now Gally won't have enough of your hair to pull when you guys—"

NIGHT BEDS ━︎━︎ GALLY ( TMR/TDC )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora