‘You improvised.’ Laila finished for her.

‘Yes.’ Meagan finishes. ‘I’m sorry. This was a mistake. You don’t deserve this.’ She sobs.

I see Emilie pat her shoulder in comfort.

‘It’s ok Meagan.’ I tell her reassuringly.

‘Yeah, you’re not the bitch here.’ Laila says staring at Sara.

‘Do it.’ She tells her. ‘Or are you backing out of your own game?’ She throws back at her.

‘Actually.’ Lisa interjects. ‘Now that the cat’s out of the bag. There is a certain rule for when one player passes up a dare.’ She says staring from us to Sara. ‘The next player has to go through it.’

‘What?!’ Sara screeches. ‘That is not true!’

‘It is.’ Lisa says pointedly.

I glance at them, then back at Laila.

‘Get off your clothes.. and go stand in the fucking woods.’ Laila tells her.

We watch Sara stare back from us to a smirking Lisa, before huffing and taking off her clothes.

We open the door of the cabin and let her out.

I watch Sara shiver and walk further into the forest, not so close but not too far that we can’t see her.

‘Your fifteen minutes start now.’ Lisa yells after her, closing the door and turning off the light off the porch, leaving her in darkness.

I see her walk to the window and place the camera facing Sara.

Meagan takes a seat in the couch, followed my Emilie and Laila and I stand in the window, feeling the same bad feeling in my gut.

The idea of Sara on her own out there doesn’t sit right with me, even though she’s an A-class bitch.

‘So..’ Lisa says turning towards me. ‘You’re up next.’

‘Once we’re done, I want you to get you sorry asses off my property before I call the fucking police on you.’ Laila intervenes standing up and walking towards us.

I see Lisa raise her hands in surrender as I return my gaze to a shivering Sara.

‘Fair enough.’ Lisa replies turning to Emilie. ‘So Emilie, it’s your turn to get back at Spencer. What will your dare be?’

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