Chapter XXXIX: Red Dirt and Stale Food

Start from the beginning

Hours later, Shuri joined Joana in the medical ward. 

"How was the coronation?" Joana asked, standing slowly. 

"I am never, ever, wearing a corset again," Shuri said with a sigh. She had already changed into a long white dress. Shuri sat beside Joana and looked up at Bucky. 

"I haven't given up on him yet, you know," Shuri told her. 

"I know. You're doing everything you can. By rights, you shouldn't even have to be the one to do this. If the world was good, Hydra would be the ones fixing this, not you." 

Shuri smiled. 

"I'm afraid if Hydra tried to fix him, they might just make him worse." 

Somehow, Joana laughed. 

"You're right." 

"Joana, I've got work to do. You can hang around if you'd like," Shuri told her. Joana stood and helped Shuri up. 

"I think I'll go to the training room. I haven't used a proper weapon in years. It'll be nice to have one in my hand again," Joana said. Shuri nodded. 

"Okoye and the other Dora will probably be there. Have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do," Shuri said with a wink. Joana rolled her eyes. 

"Have fun with your toys, Shuri." 

"You know I will." 

Joana felt a twisting in her stomach that she hadn't felt in a long time as she entered to the training room. She remembered what it was like entering a new city with no one but your sister, looking different from everyone else. The feeling was very similar, but she knew that she was safe here. At least, she hoped she was. 

The training room was more like a series of rooms. The ground was covered in red dirt. Those in the other rooms who were sparring were doing so without shoes on. Not sure what exactly to do, Joana slipped her shoes off and left them by the door. The room was lined with all kinds of weapons just like she had seen in the weaponry. She forgot her fear as she looked at the array of weapons around her.

It wasn't until she got to Hydra that Joana fell in love with all things lethal. It was the one thing Hydra taught her that she wasn't so ready to let go of. There was a beauty to weapons craft that wasn't there in other things. It was a vastly unappreciated art. 

"Are you going to pick one up, or just stand there staring?" 

Joana spun around, as if she was a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Okoye stood in the doorway, her staff glistening in the light from the training room. Joana smiled. She felt the urge to bow but at the same time, she knew that wasn't right. Instead, she just dipped her head. Okoye pulled off her shoes and stepped into the room. She set her staff against the wall. 

"So, what weapon are you going to chose?" Okoye asked Joana. Joana looked away from the General standing before her and turned back to the weapons rack. She saw a single bo seeming to hide in the corner. The memory of her first day with Danika flashed through her brain. She was grabbing on to the bo staff before she even knew what she was doing. 

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