At the Window- Chapter 3.5

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Jared: Yeah, sorry, I was talking to the clown.

Clara: what did he say?

Jared: Just that he was sorry for being at my window. Everything is fine here, don't worry.

Clara: oh ok cuz I got worried when u didn't answer

Jared: Yeah... sorry about that. I just got so frustrated with the clown being at my window because I didn't understand.

Clara: no yeah I get it. No problem

Jared: Ok. Um, are you home alone?

Clara: yeah my mom just ran out to the store. Y?

Jared: I just thought we could hang out.

Clara: r u sure ur not afraid of the big creepy clown?

Jared: I'm not scary!

Clara: ...

Jared: Sorry typo. He's not scary!! LOL

Clara: oh lol yeah

Clara: r u coming over so u don't have to deal with that clown guy

Jared: No, the clown left. Can I come over?

Clara: maybe. I just think ur lying to me

Jared: No! Why would I do that?

Clara: you took a really long time to answer and then u started typing differently. I dont think u r jared. Where is the clown?????

Jared: No, I'm Jared!

Clara: ur not. Tell me where jared is before I block the number and call the police

Jared: If you contact the police you will never see Jared again.

Jared: You are smarter than I thought. I do have Jared and I am the "creepy clown guy." We are not at his house. Tell the police and I will drop his dead body off at your doorstep.

Clara: FINE. Dont kill him. what do u want me to do?

Jared: I am going to delete all of these texts and you will do the same. This never happened and I will return Jared to you, safe and sound. He won't remember this. The only thing I did was take blood from his arm. Deal?
Clara: .... Why did u take his blood?
Jared: Because I needed it. Enough questions. Do you take the deal?

Clara: yes

Jared: I'll drop him off in two minutes. Delete the texts and good night.


Jared Skitter was returned to Clara Meyer's house at 9:52 on the fifth of May. Skitter was missing for half an hour before he was found unconscious. Skitter is being taken in for questioning as his blood was recently found at a crime scene. Meyer said she had no recollection of having any conversation with Jared or his captor. We do not know why he was dropped at her house. There will be a report released on his case. Thank you.

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