Chapter 11🤘🏽

Start from the beginning

I followed him to his house. We pulled up to these apartments and it looked like it had a hunnit some floors. I parked next to him.

His brother came down and shook up with him. They whispered something before they walked to my car.

"Wassup I'm Morris." "Hey." I shook his hand. "Her stuff in the backseat." Romeo said. They grabbed everything and I looked at the neighborhood.

I'm not trying to seem stuck up or nothing but this neighborhood is not the way to live.

"Come on baby and make sure you lock yo doors." I did as told. We walked up the stairs and it felt like forever before we got there.

They opened the door and they wasn't as bad on the inside. They walked into the back of the house before coming back with a girl about 7.

"Hey I'm Jassy. Their little sister." "Hey Jassy I'm Naomi but you can call me Nay." "You wanna share rooms with me?" I laughed. "Sure."

"Come on Nay." Romeo said I followed him to his room. It was a nice three bedroom apartment but everything was just close together.

"Don't mind my lil sister." "She's cute." "Thanks don't tell her that tho she'll get a big head."

"That's Good." "Right." He sat on the bed and pulled me onto it with him.

"I missed you." He said. I laid on his chest. "I missed you too." We laid there and my eyes finally fell shut.

Romeo P.O.V
She was sleep on top of me so I just watched some t.v when my brother walked in. "Aye?"

"What?" I asked. "You smashed yet?" "Nah she ain't that type."

"Whatchu mean?" "She from a strict house hold and she said some bout she ain't tryna have sex till marriage."

"That's what they all say." I laughed. "What you think pops gone say?" "About what?" I asked.

"Her being here. You know ma ain't gone care; better yet what she gone think of us she already look bougie as hell."

"She not that type of person bruh."

"Mhm. What about when pops and ma arguing and throwing shit around? We already gotta keep Jassy from that shit."

"She'll understand especially with her family. All they do is argue and fight."

"You just got an answer for everything huh?" "You damn Skippy."

He laughed and hooked the game up. "Brother is Nay up?" My sister asked walking in with a tutu on. "Nah Princess she tired."

"Well when she wake up can she come in my room and play?" "Yeah I'll let you know." She nodded her head and ran out.

"Shit crazy." My brother said. "What?" "We damn near raising our own sister." "Shit we ain't no raising we did raise her. Shit nigga we raised ourselves."

"You right but I mean I wonder what shit would be like if our parents was actually in our lives."

"We'll be fucked up just like them." I said. "You still going to school?" He asked.

See my brother dropped out and he in the streets so most nights he not home. So he be on my ass about school cuz he don't want me to end up  like him or his friends.

"Yeah." "You lying?" "Mane I be there most of the time sometimes I leave during the day."

"You gone fuck yoself up." "Mane whatever." I just looked at the ceiling until I slowly fell asleep.
*3 a.m*
"ROMEO!!!!!" I heard my pops scream as he walked into my room. I wiped my eyes and slowly moved Nay off me. "What nigga? Damn be quiet."

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