Maybe, just maybe this was a good sign and Kazuichi could hope that Gundham did in fact like him back.

Taking a deep breath, Kazuichi answered the question and this time without shouting it like before. "Y-Yes... I'm kinda in love with you... for a while now actually. And I hoped that... you might like me back..." He wasn't really religious, but he suddenly felt like praying to every god there was just to get a positive answer from Gundham. Never in his life did he wished so much for someone to like him back, not even with Miss Sonia.

Gundham hid his face behind his scarf and he shyly looked at Kazuichi, keeping eye contact. "I... I do reciprocate your f-feelings, so I would like to accompany you on that d... date you have mentioned earlier." With every word Gundham said, he was having problems to keep his voice steady and not break.

Kazuichi was just about to instinctively laugh another rejection off, after his long streak of bad luck in love, when he processed what the alpha had said and he faltered, "Wait, you actually like me back? Like romantically and not as friends or out of pity?"

The heavy blush on Gundham's face seemed to only worsen at the question and Kazuichi couldn't help but to find it adorable. "Yes, I do have interest of the r-romantic kind for you, for some time now. However as I was not sure if you did in fact reciprocate my feelings, I have kept quiet about it. I also have to admit that I have not found the courage to tell you, which is also the reason as why I did not answer directly while we were still in the realm of the hellish beasts, as these other mortals have been watching us intently. I am sorry if my hesitation made you feel distressed."

Now Kazuichi felt like an idiot that he didn't even consider that Gundham, the probably shyest guy on the planet, would be way too embarrassed to react to a love confession when people were watching him. "It's fine. I messed up the confession and shouted it loud enough that everyone could hear, not you." Kazuichi gave an awkward laugh at the memory. "But say... Does this mean that we're a couple now?"

Clearing his throat to finally stop his voice from breaking all the time, Gundham replied, "I would conclude that this would be the term that would describe our new relationship with each other. If you are willing to share my cursed path, that is." While Gundham tried to sound serious and calm, he didn't entirely manage to stop himself mumbling the second half of his answer.

"Y-Yeah, of course I want to!" Kazuichi quickly replied. He would need to be fully brain-dead to not want to have Gundham as his boyfriend. Still, he could hardly believe that this was actually the case now. It was simply too good to be true.

"When do you wish to go on that outing?" Gundham asked the other, making Kazuichi snap back into reality.

"Ehm, good question. I actually didn't think that far yet." Kazuichi admitted, since he never believed that Gundham would actually agree to dating him or that Leon would ask Maizono in the first place and thus force the other to go through with also confessing. "Whenever you have time I guess. We would also need to look what we could do in the first place."

"I see." Gundham mumbled and began thinking. "I have to admit that I do not know much about the mortal custom of dating, however from the knowledge that I do posses, I do believe that our options for entertainments are slightly limited at this time of year."

Kazuichi realised that the other did have a point. Most places were he knew that people could go on dates to weren't exactly great during this cold weather and the two of them weren't exactly wealthy to do anything fancy like going to a restaurant or the likes. "Well, we don't have to directly go on some fancy date. It's not like weekends and holidays will suddenly stop existing, so we can find something we want to do a bit later, instead of standing around in the cold now and thinking about it like idiots for hours."

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