Chapter 13

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Over the last days of school Kazuichi had been in a constant state of having mixed feelings about the ball. While he was absolutely euphoric at being Tanaka's date, he was furious at himself for making it not exactly a date and more like hanging out between friends. It was so bad that he began to hate the term 'friend' like the plague, because every time he heard it he felt mocked about his own idiocy.

The morning of the flight had been a quite exciting for all of the students of class 77 and 78. Everyone that Kazuichi happened to pass while getting ready was in a highly good mood.

After breakfast all of the students gathered their stuff and assembled outside of the academy, where two buses where waiting for them to take them all to the airport. Miss Sonia, who was organising everything, sent the two classes into the separate buses and as soon as everyone was seated they made their way towards their destination.

To Kazuichi amazement they all were greeted by the higher ranking staff, their pilot and crew, and a bunch of security workers to escort them all to their plane. He briefly wondered if Miss Sonia was always greeted like this when she travelled anywhere. Their luggage was taken by the staff and directly brought to their plane, while Miss Sonia had a brief chat with their pilot.

The students where then brought to their private plane, where a staircase was put up and the first students began boarding. Out of boredom Kazuichi let his eyes wander while waiting that he himself could board. Doing so his eyes met the one's of Leon and the friends looked at each other for a moment. Kazuichi wanted to talk to his childhood friend and sort their argument out, so that they could be friends like before. However he wasn't able to say anything or even move towards his friend and it seemed like Leon was the same, since he turned away and boarded the plane like the rest.

It was depressing and it hurt that Kazuichi wasn't able to do anything to mend their friendship. Defeated he then also boarded, followed by Tanaka and Miss Sonia

Entering the plane, Kazuichi couldn't believe his eyes. The interior looked nothing like he was used to with planes. It looked more like someone's expensive and well furnished living room. The seats looked more like armchairs and this plane even had sofas inside of it; none of those tight and uncomfortable seats that Kazuichi's learned to hate when he and Tanaka went on vacation over the summer holidays. There were even tables at some seats so that the passengers could eat comfortably and talk with other people.

"This is your plane? It looks sweet." Kazuichi asked with awe, his eyes trying to catch everything at the same time. If he found the time, he needed to look around.

"It's my parent's; and thank you very much." Miss Sonia giggled, "Shall we look for a place to sit?" she then asked her two friends.

Both nodded and just as the three wanted to go further into the plane, one of the staff members stopped Tanaka.

"Excuse me. You have to put your animals into cages. You can't let them run around on the plane." the flight attendant pointed at Pom-G, who was nested happily in her owner's arms, while some of his hamsters were looking out from Tanaka's clothes. It seemed like the flight attendant was kinda baffled to even see animal on board and Kazuichi could only imagine how he would react if he saw the other hamsters which were currently hidden inside of Tanaka's and Kazuichi's clothes. Before the flight attendant was able to see San-D who was looking out of Kazuichi's breast pocket, he casually turned away.

Tanaka looked at the flight attendant with absolute outrage at the command to lock his beloved animals away for hours on end. "You fiend, I will most certainly not encage my hellish beasts into some jail!"

Before anything could escalate between Tanaka and the flight attendant, Miss Sonia went between them. "It is okay. He is allowed to take those animals with him."

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