Love, Louis

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We've been drifting apart, and it's not your fault. I'm no longer confused and floating around, back and forth. We never had a chance, it was either you or the band, and you know I would never jeopardize everything we've built together. Please, take this parting gift and know every time I'm on stage with you, I'll be thinking of all our unforgettable moments. But offstage, my heart is otherwise occupied with you know who. I hope things become more clear for you and you figure out what you want. I will always be there for you.
Harry stares at the paper for a long time. What had just happened? They had spent the night together and had less than amazing sex that now he realized was caused by the thing putting distance between them.
"Fuck!" He says aloud, slamming the paper down.
There's a knock on the door.
"Hey Haza, we got to get going if we're going to make it to the arena." Zayn's voice came through the door.
"Give-" Harry breathes deeply trying to not allow himself to break down. "Give me a minute."
"Okay... is everything all right?"
"No." Harry replies angrily.
"Let me in." Zayn calls quietly through the door.
Harry doesn't reply and just goes to the door opening it and walking back to the bed where he falls into his back and folds his arms.
Zayn spots the letter.
"You can read it." Harry says staring up at the ceiling.
Zayn reads the letter becoming angry and sad for his friend. He lays down next to Harry taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Harry," he holds Harry's hand in his own.
In the depths of his mind, Harry picks up on the electric tingle that reverberates through his hand. It seems that lately Zayn has been extremely present in his life. He's been there after some major fights between Louis and Harry and just whenever Louis hasn't.
Harry tries to gather his energy for the show tonight and doesn't want his performance to fall flat. He's known as the fun directioner and doesn't want to disappoint. A part of him also wants to show Louis that he is unaffected by his letter.
"Haza?" Zayn whispers.
Harry jumps up heading to the door. "Let's do this!"
The show went better than expected. Harry focused on his vocals instead of playing around with the crowd. He even acted normal toward Louis and returned a hug given by his fellow band mate and now ex-lover.
When it was over, Harry didn't speak to anyone and signaled to his security crew that it was time to go.
"Haz!" He hears Louis call after him.
"Don't call me that." Harry snaps and gets in the SUV.
"Haz, wait!"
Harry watches as Zayn puts a hand on Louis's chest. "You heard him. Back off."
"Let's go." Harry says quietly to the driver.
As they pull away, Harry watches a pissed off Louis slam his hands into Zayn and Zayn pushes him back raising a fist when security pulls him back.
"Mr. Styles, do you still want to go to the bus?"
"No, take me back to the hotel. I'll fly out tomorrow."
Fuck you, was all Harry could think towards their managers. Louis had been forced to date but had fallen for her. Fuck Louis too.
Security walked Harry to the door of his hotel room. He slipped inside and went straight to his bed. Not even a few minutes later, someone was knocking on the door.
"What!" Harry yelled, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Haza, it's me."
Zayn again.
Harry quickly pulls him inside.
"I'm not riding on the bus with him tonight." Harry declares.
"I know," Zayn replies. "Neither am I."
Harry looks down and runs his hand down his face. And he finally lets the tears fall. He quickly goes to the bed and lays down putting his face in his pillow.
Zayn lays down again next to him like earlier. This time he puts an arm around Harry and pulls him close to his chest.
"I'm here for you." He whispers stroking the other boys curls.
Harry lets him.

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