"Moves?" I looked at him as he started to walk around again.

"Ya'know, tempo of the rythem. This city's got beat. You'll get to it." He started to walk off and i found my self starting to fallow after him. "Once you learn the beat you can do anything."

I looked up at his as he stopped at the corner of the ally. "Anything?"

"Absolutely." He looked around the corner at the hot dog man. "The man you see before you is known as Old Louie. A well known enemy." He moved his hand to my back and pushed me to stand in front of him. "Our mission is to get the hot dog's and high tail it out of there."

"Thats it?" i asked.

"Thats it." The smirk never left his lips. "Starting to feel the rythem?"

I looked back at the hot dog stand and then down at Oliver. He looked back up at me and Meow, right when my stomach growled. Looking back up at the man i nodded. "Yeah. I think so."

His smirk grew. "Good, now-" he reached over and grabbed Oliver. "Your going to want me to hold him."

"Why?" i asked as the man held him in his hand.

"Run." He suddenly said.


"RUN!" He yelled making me jump. With out knowing what he meant i started to run back at the hot dog cart. "Hey!" i hear him yell. I looked back to see he was close behind me. Once he was close enough he reached his free hand out and shoved my back.

With a loud crash i slammed into the hot dog man knocking him and his tongs to the ground. Before i could even understand what had happened the man grabbed my arm painfully.

"I thought i told you to get lost!" He yelled pulling me off the ground.

"Let me go!" i tried to pull out of his grip but he wouldnt let go.

"I warned you!" He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Im calling the police."

My heart was pounding and looking around, the other guy was no where to be seen. I looked around for anything that would help me. The only thing within arm length was a tube of mustered. I quickly grab it and point it at the man. As he was talking on the phone he looked over at me, giving me the opening to fire. I squeezed the bottle, hitting the man in the eyes. As he yelled he let go of my arm. I dropped the mustered and quickly took off down the road.

I didnt stop running till i ran into a construction zone. I bent over, hands on my knee's trying to catch my breath.

"That wasn't bad." The mans voice came again. Looking up, he was waiting by one of the cans. "You got rythem." He walked up at me holding Oliver out to me. I quickly grabbed him and hugged him close to me.

"I could have gotten arrested." I looked up at the man angerly.

"You were fine." He started to walk away, but he held up his arm, showing the large link of hot-dogs. I quickly fallowed after him.

"So when are we going to eat then?" i asked.

"We?" He didnt even looked back as he walked.

"Yeah?" I let Oliver down for him to walk after me so i could keep up. "Im hungry too you know."

"Sorry to brake it to you kid but, the dynamic duo, is now the dynamic uno." He jumped onto of one of the large cemented pipes.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I looked up at him.

Oliver and CompanyWhere stories live. Discover now