“What? Don't.”

“Oh I'm sorry. Do you have anything shameful on your channel you don't want me to see?”

“No! That's not it I just... I....ugh fine. I'll make another. You can even make the script if you want.”

“I don't have the time to make a script. I'll just leave it to you to make your best judgment.”


After like six rewrites with Cassie, I had a video she approved of. Then Dad made me re-shoot because my tanktop was apparently too revealing. How the heck was it too revealing? It's not like I was wearing a boob-tube. Ugh... Dad. After all that, I finally had a video they both approved of. Good thing they stopped checking my videos until that bitch screwed me over with that video.

“Hey viewers! Micky Summer here! And do I have a cool contest for my male fans! For any of you between 15-17, this is the chance to meet me in person unless y' know you don't go to my school or whatever.” I really didn't want to see any one from my school though I know a ton must of signed up. After I got really popular, the really jerky guys kept hitting on me. It didn't stop until Ian and I started dating.

“One of you get the chance to go on a date with me! Click on the link below for more information on the contest, fill out a form and make a video and boom you get a date with the sunshine girl herself. I won't know who it is so look your best. But don't worry gentle-ladies and other guys, you'll get to see how the date goes when it happens. From the channel where the Summer never ends... Keep it Sunny!” Then I tipped the stupid little sunflower of that old faded yellow beanie hat towards the camera like I always do to end every segment. I had such stupid catchphrases. I should have like updated a long time, but the fans loved it every single time.

I wonder where would I be if I remembered to charge my Indego before I left the house or remembered to bring charger inside with me. It's funny something so small started this whole mess. I would have avoided it all if I didn't spend all that time on coordinating my outfit, but I have to make the sponsors happy. I always had to make the sponsors happy.

I loved those red HeartBraker heels but somehow by the end of the night, Dad had to cut them off my feet. Insta-fit technology, my ass! I had marks for three days. Though, I rather have only dealt with the shrinking heels than that stupid Simone blouse.

After convincing Dad that it was my job to wear all that, he drove me to Lawrence's for my date. It was so hard to find a nice looking restaurant sponsor that didn't have a problem with any of my other restaurant sponsors. It's always, “If you show a video of Maury's Pizza, you break you're contract with Pizzaaz's” or some kind of bullshit like that. Didn't I almost get sued that one time with Black Fish? Anyway, when I got out of the car, I saw Carrie walked up to us with a guy that I assumed to be my date. I adjusted the settings, made sure my make up with my camera and came out to meet them all with my Indego at 78% power.

Carrie introduced the guy as my blind date, Blake Carter, who was surprisingly gorgeous. Some one must have tipped him off because we were almost matching with my red blouse and black skirt and his tight red shirt, black tie and black jeans.

“Wow! It's nice to finally to meet you, Mikayla. I mean... Can I call Mikayla or do you like Mickey instead?” he said. He was a little nervous, but it wasn't the full on stuttering mess that get when I meet other fanboys, so the date was off to good start.

“It's fine. You can call me Mikayla. It's nice to meet you too, Blake.” Then we shook hands like old business men because Dad was staring at him with the intensity of a lion, waiting for the strong gazelle to fall into a false sense of security or something more poetic.

“Ok, Dad. Come back at like eight to pick me up,” I told him.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here till the end of the date.” he replied.

“Are you serious? No offense but what kind date would it be if I had my dad spying on me?” I said to him. “Carrie, you can't let him do this?” I turned to her, but she had zoned out, probably thexting again since her lenses were tinted. I know this isn't the most fun thing ever, but c'mon would it kill you to pay attention to your client for five minutes?

“Carrie!” I yelled.

“What? I'm listening, I'm listening.” She said to me though I doubt it.

“Did you know my dad is stayin here?”

“Yes. That's the only way I got both your parent's to agree, but he agreed to be in at a table where he can't directly see you and he won't come up to you until after the night. Anyway let's get you both inside. I heard it's going to rain soon.”

She talked some more about what I was supposed to order and not to order and what not say if I didn't want to get sued, but I was distracted by his cute smile and his messy blonde hair and the way the light revealed his bright blue eyes and his high cheek bones.

I guess the date went well for the first half.

“So, does she always follow you on things like this?” he said.

“Not usually but this is a special occasion.” I said, taking a bite of the most delicious shrimp scampi I have ever eaten. “By the way, I'm don't eat like this all the time.”

“I wasn't thinking about that all. From your videos, you seem pretty down to Earth.”

I must have been blushing really hard after that. I fumbled the food on with my plate like an idiot while we were chatting. I didn't notice the time pass until I heard the low power beep from the Indego.

“Hold on, I'm sorry. My Indego is powering down.” I shuffled around my Chameleon bag, but the charger wasn't there.

“I'll be right back.” I stood up and walked over to Dad who was barely abiding by Carrie's terms and got him to give me the keys.

Luckily, I didn't slip in any puddles when I scurried across the concrete in that rain. It should have been simple. Take the charger from car and then go back, but it wasn't. When I got in my bag, I guess I moved to fast getting out that I slipped and scrapped of those my stupid blouse against something rough on the car which I still don't get.

Then he showed up, Marco Arias. While I was still awkwardly stuck to the side of the car, he walked by with his retrobrella and kinda stared at me for a few seconds.

“Oh. Hi Marco,” I sputtered out.

“Hey Mikayla. What are you doin out here?” he said with equal surprise.

“Y'know. Just hanging out.” Ewww. I can't believe I said something so lame. “Actually on my contest date right now.”

“Contest date?”

“For my show.”

“Oh yeah, you do... so how's it going now? He looked really uncomfortable, but I don't blame him. I hadn't had a real conversation to him in like three years.

“They're really popular now, thank you. Sorry, I have to go back. It's nice to see-”

When I moved from the car, right then and there, my blouse ripped, fortunately it was only in the back.

I slowly reached my hand back, feeling the wide gap go to the middle of my back. “Shit!” I whispered. I didn't move. I couldn't move. If I left, he would see my back and the rest of the restaurant would too. If I didn't, I would be the bitch that abandoned shipped the guy she asked out. I practically could hear the potential notifs ringing in my ears. I don't know what I'd do if he didn't hand me his jacket.

“Here. You can just give it back to me on Monday.” he said, looking to the side

“Thank you so much! You don't know what this means to me. You've saved my life!” I beamed.

The sad part of it was that I wasn't exaggerating. The show was my life then. It still is now. So I took the jacket and without a second word ran inside and resumed business as usual.

Marco... What are thinking about now? Do you hate me?

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