chapter 10

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A girl about the age of 5 was walking side by side another kid with yellow spiky hair.

"come on let's play!!" the girl said

"alright!! first one at Ichiraku ramen wins!!" the yellow haired boy started running

"yaaaaaaaaaaah!!" the girl shouted and came running too.

she had long black hair and red eyes. the smile on her face indicates how much fun she was having. then the scenery went blank. the girl looked about 10 now. she was still with the yellow haired kid and a new kid; a kid with raven hair and onyx eyes.

"it's raining.. but early in the morning it was so sunny." the girl complained while they waited inside a store.

"hn. sometimes when it rains there are things happening.. sad things.." the raven boy said

another change in scenery..

"mom!!!! dad!!!" the girl cried her eyes out at the burial of her parents. they had died in a mission and their bodies were cremated.

"nee-chan.. " a boy looking like her but with silver eyes cuddled with her.

"it's gonna be okay.. iI'll take care of you Chitose..." the girl wiped her tears and smiled.

the next scene was in a hospital

"nee-chan.. I.. I love you.. you are the best sister ever.. Take care of yourself nee-chan.. be a strong ninja" the younger coughed and coughed and the sister's tears and cries were heard throughout the room but it was all blocked out when the machine indicating the life span of the boy deadpanned....



wh-what was that dream? I have been having a lot of dreams lately.. everything is about a girl with black hair and red eyes.. she.. looks like me.. but... that's impossible.. I have green hair and eyes..

why is it so dark?? am I still dreaming?

"do you want to forget?" that voice.. I know that voice.. I looked around the darkness that was surrounding me.

"I can make you forget.. all the bad memories.. all the pain.. I can make you stronger." a flash of red eyes in the midst of all the black.. 


"what's your answer princess?" he asked again.

on instinct I answered


then I felt everything taken away from me.. what is this?? it's like I'm being pulled into something I don't know.. my energy is draining..

wh-who? who is that?

I looked at a mirror.. oh.. it was me.. 


why do I feel different?

like it's not me...

I stared into the mirror when the girl from my dreams appeared before me.. the black hair and red eyes, she looked right back at me.. 

"who are you?" I asked and it seemed to mimick my action. I raised my hand and it did the same.

"remember who you are.." it suddenly said then a flash of red appeared, the glass broke and the girl from the mirror fell onto my arms and she was unconcious in bleeding..

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