Chapter Eleven

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The next year passed by so fast. Over time I began to see myself change for the better. I wasn't as quiet or reserved anymore and I began to open up more to people. Well... people I trusted.

I started to be just like I was before my mother passed away. I didn't think I would ever be fully healed from that night but I was happy. I had a family that loved and cared for me. I also had the two bestest friends anyone could ask for.

I was so thankful.

Throughout the year, mother taught me first aid, and some extra, that she said I could use in the future. It really was a fun bonding experience for her and I, especially since she was away with work a lot.

Harumi got quite busy with her lessons but that didn't stop her from trying to spend as much time with me as she could. I was so grateful to have her and I loved her dearly.

I saw Zero and Ichiru often and we quickly grew close. I even began to think that Ichiru thought of me as more than a friend. I know, I know it sounded so silly. However, whenever I'd speak to him his cheeks would always blush a slight pink.

It made me smile.

Today it was just me and the twins playing outside while Harumi was with my parents. I was giggling excitedly as the twins chased me around the yard before seconds later I got tackled by Zero.

"Caught you!" he exclaimed.

"You're too fast," I joked with a smile.

Zero chuckled as I noticed Ichiru jogging up to us, looking exhausted from all the running.

"I'm going to go inside to get a drink," he said. "I'll be right back."

When Ichiru was out of sight, I collapsed on the ground and looked up at the sky above. Seconds later Zero joined me.

I looked over at him a few seconds later. I loved spending time with him. He was so much fun and always thought of me before himself. I wanted to be with him forever, in a friendly way of course.

"The sky really is beautiful today," Zero cooed. "Wouldn't you agree?"

He looked over at me and awaited my response.


All of the sudden, Zero entwined his hand with mine. I felt my cheeks flush slightly pink and I looked away hastily.

Zero's eyes suddenly widened as he sat up.

"Makoto, we should go inside."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Zero grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the house in a quickened matter. He avoided my question, making me more anxious about what was going on.

I pulled my wrist from his grasp.

"Tell me what's going on, Zero! You're scaring me...!" I exclaimed.

"I'll tell you once we get inside—" The wind blew harshly and in one blink of an eye a figure stood before us with a devious grin.

I had never seen that man before, yet I knew he wasn't friendly. I didn't know what was telling me that but it was like a gut feeling.

"Today must be my lucky day," he cooed as he licked his lips. "Two fine children filled with delicious blood..."


"Stay away from us!" Zero yelled as he took a few steps backwards.

"That'd be no fun," the man said harshly. "I just need your blood. That isn't asking much, is it?"

Zero turned to me. "Makoto, run inside and get help—"

"I can't leave you out here alone!"

I wrapped my arms tightly around one of Zero's before he suddenly stepped in front of me.

"I'll be fine, so go!"

After a few moments, I sprinted towards the house before something grabbed my wrist and pulled me up.

"Where do you think you're going?" the man hummed in my ear.


Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zero rush towards me. However, within seconds he fell towards the ground with clenched teeth. The man had held me firmly in one hand while clawing Zero away with the other, leaving blood on his fingertips and Zero's open wound. A smell suddenly filled the air. I didn't know what it was, yet it smelled sweet, tasteful even.

I screamed and all of the sudden, the man let me go. He yelled in agony behind me for a moment before I heard nothing.

I turned slowly to see a pile of dust residing behind me. The predator before was no where to be seen. The only person I saw was father, holding a dagger dripped with blood.

"Makoto...." His voice trailed off as I noticed a saddened expression cross his face.

"Father...." I was speechless with what just happened. "What—"

The painful memories from my past crossed my mind once more. They all appeared in a flash, leaving me paralyzed in my spot as tears welled up in my eyes.

What...was that?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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