Chapter Four

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Within hours the adoption papers were signed and I was officially a part of their family. I was now on the verge of becoming free of the past that had tortured me all those years with the replacement of my last name. The surname "Hajime" had so much meaning and backstory to it so I could now start anew. My new name was Makoto Akagi and I had instantly fallen in love with it.

I was looking out of the car window as we were growing nearer to our location. Isamu was the driver as Aiko sat in the carpool. We were heading to their house in a closed off area surrounded by trees.

"Just up this path a little more and we'll be at your new home," Aiko cooed. "Are you excited?"

I simply nodded my head as I looked out of the window once more. I noticed the amount of trees squished together decreasing and the gap between them growing.

I looked out of the front window to see a big white house with an extravagant porch. My eyes widened in awe as we pulled up to the residence. Was this my new life or was I just dreaming?

Isamu was the first to get out and open the door for me. I stepped out and took in a breath of fresh air before mumbling, "Thank you."

The three of us walked up to the house and I began to twiddle with my fingers slightly. I was growing so nervous even though this is only the place l will be spending the rest of my life in.

"Ready?" Isamu asked.

Actually now that I think about it I shouldn't call my new parents Aiko and Isamu. Aiko is my mother and Isamu is my father so I should reference them that way. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I nodded my head as I thought, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

The door opened and we were instantly in a furnished living room. I took a few steps forward as I basked in the environment I was now standing in.

"Welcome home," mother said as father wrapped an arm around her.

I dashed over and took a seat on the luscious white sofa. It felt so comfortable to sit on especially since all I really sat on were wooden chairs or a rickety bed at the orphanage.

"Lord Akagi," a mans voice erupted from around the corner. I looked to my left and saw a tall man in a suit with pitch black hair and blazing hazel eyes looking at my parents.

"Hello, Sebastian," father said with a smile. "This is Makoto. She's the latest member of our family."

Sebastian looked down upon me with gentle eyes. "Hello, Makoto-chan. I'm the family's head butler."

"H-hello," I said sheepishly. "You don't have to be so formal. Just call me Makoto."

Sebastian nodded in understandment before addressing my father. "M'lord I must tend to tonight's dinner. Excuse me."

With that Sebastian left the three of us alone in the living room.

Mother's eyes suddenly go wide and she hastily whispers something to father. His eyes widen as well as he scratches the back of his head.

"Makoto, we totally forgot to tell you something," he said hesitantly. "Dang she's going to be upset..."

"Who?" I asked.

"Well--" mother paused for a moment, looking for the right words to say. "You see you have an older sister named Harumi. She isn't here right now but she should be back in a few hours."

"Really?" I asked. "I have a sister? What's she like?"

Mother giggled, "That should be for you to decide, Makoto."

"Okay," I said.

Silence occurred for a few moments before father's voice rang in the air.

"I'm sorry to cut this short but we really must catch up on some of our work," father said with a saddened voice. "Would you like to come and see our office?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed happily.

Mother and father lead me upstairs and down a hallway. Mother opened the door and I saw a room crowded with stacks and stacks of papers. I was overwhelmed, even though it wasn't even my work!

"That's a lot more than I thought there was," mother murmured.

"Lord Akagi," a feminine voice said behind me. I turned and saw a woman dressed in maid attire with her chestnut hair tied back in a bun. "Is this Makoto-chan?"

"Yes," father said with a smile. "Aiko and I have to get some of this work done so I was hoping you could show her around the house."

"Of course, sir," the woman said happily. "Let's go, Makoto-chan. This is a big house and I promise to make it fun!"

The woman held her hand out to me and I took it instantly. We began to walk down the hallway when a thought popped into my head and I blurted it aloud.

"What's your name?"

The woman looked down upon me and said, "Rias. My twin sisters name is Zelena."

"You have a twin?" I asked in amazement.

"Yeah," Rias said with a smile. "You'll meet her later. She's busy helping Sebastian with dinner."

"I can't wait," I said with a grin.

The tour had begun.

Aiko's POV

I waited until Rias and Makoto were out of sight before I shut the door to our office and sighed heavily.

"We haven't even known her for a few days yet I still feel so guilty," I said sadly. "Why do we have to keep this from her? She's part of our family so she should know!"

"I agree," Isamu said. "There's the fact that she's lived her whole life not knowing about the unknown, however. We don't know how she's going to react."

I looked away as a strained look crossed my face before looking back at my husband.

"You've told Harumi, Sebastian, Zelena, and Rias not to mention anything, correct?" I asked.

Isamu nodded his head.

"Listen," I started sternly. "I won't keep this from her forever. She has to know eventually. Families don't keep secrets, at least secrets this big. She has to trust us."

Isamu wrapped his arms around me before saying, "Okay. Just warn me before you do so."

I nodded my head slightly and accepted his embrace.

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