Chapter 18: Ambushed

Start from the beginning

"Go Kirito, take the weapons and go!" One of his men said. "We'll hold them here. Don't let these evil bastards take them from us. GO!!!"

Kirito saw the soldier in question give him a brave smile before he was cut in half by and axeblade and depixelated into nothing.

Kirito spun and ran for the town square where the teleporter was located. He was almost there. And despite his very prediction action, his enemies were too slow to keep up it seemed.

Kirito came flying into the town square, only to find a couple hundred Divine Dragon Alliance players that had to have been waiting for him, judging by how they stood in battle stance all about the plaza.

Kirito heard the Remaining Laughing Coffin Players skid to a stop behind him.

One of the Divine Dragon players stepped forward. Judging by his gear, he must be a high level player, probably somewhere around the 60 to seventy mark. The player in question cleared his throat and spoke.

"You are surrounded and outnumbered Black Swordsman. You have no hope of escape, and no hope of victory through combat. I suggest you lay down your weapons and surrender, and I would suggest the same for you of the Laughing Coffin as well."

Kirito's grip on his swords tightened. He knew that the odds of winning this fight were almost impossible. But the alternative was being prisoner to another guild, and for that guild to get all the weapons currently sitting in his inventory.

"I'm sorry." Kirito said. "But I can't do that."

The player he addressed seemed to have a sad face for a second.

"I'm sorry too. You are the Black Swordsman. One of less than ten who came back from the 76th floor boss raid. A great hero. It will be a shame for him to die here for a guild who don't deserve his loyalty. Get him boys."

The Divine Dragon players all moved forward. Surrounding Kirito and the Laughing Coffin players, who circled up with Kirito.

"This is not going to end well." The Laughing Coffin Leader said."

"Nope." Kirito replied. "It's not."

The enemy surges forward in a rush to overrun Kirito and the other players, screaming their warcries.


Kirito stumbled out of the teleporter on 55th floor. Immediately several Blood Knight members rush forwards to help him. They quickly carry him towards the Guild fortress.

As they carry him, one of them hears him mumbling. "Ambush. Please no. Don't make me do it. I don't want to kill you. Stop making me kill you."

"He's been paralyzed." One of the players say as they set him down in one of the rooms. "Alert The guild leader. He should know about this."


Kirito slowly opened his eyes. He took in his surroundings and immediately tried to get up when he saw The guild leader sitting in a chair across the room reading messages.

"Sir." Kirito said, trying to get up.

"Don't bother getting up. You need your rest after the fight you've had."

Kirito lay back. "I'm sorry sir. I've failed."

The guild leader looked at him. "Oh, and how is that?"

"I lost all of those men. They didn't need to die. I should've fought harder."

"Kirito, from what I understand you were ambushed by two separate factions. First you got attacked by Laughing Coffin, and they had double your numbers. Then you were trapped between the remainder of their force and a couple hundred men from the Divine Dragon Alliance. And yet here you stand, and not in too bad shape if you ask me. Now get some rest. Then you can hand the weapons to me before you take a well-deserved break."

Kirito smiled. "Thank you sir!" He said.

His guild leader sighed. "Kirito, call me by my name already. You've worked for me long enough for that."

"Yes s... I mean sure Himura. Thank you."

Himura smiled. "Your welcome my friend." Then he strode out of the room. Leaving Kirito to think about what he would do when he got home.

Himura's POV:

Himura Akihito. That was the name on the plaque sitting on the Guild leader's desk. Himura sat there thinking over the events of the afternoon. He hadn't expected Laughing Coffin to make a move. They had so few players left. They must've wanted to try and sell the weapons. Yeah that was it. However, the most puzzling thing was that the Divine Dragon Alliance had sent enough players to make a full scale invasion, and all just for some weapons. They weren't even that good from what Himura understood. But maybe seeing them for himself would give him answers.

Himura strode over to the window and spoke as if to thin air. "You have any new information?"

A masked figure climbed into the window sill. "Don't worry. This should help you plenty." Came the half whispered reply. Himura opened his menu. "How much will this one cost me." Himura asked.

"Double the usual fee. I had to go through a lot of trouble to get this intel."

Himura nodded. "Fair enough." He transferred the COL.

"Nice doing business with you." The masked figure said.

"Actually, I have another assignment if you would?"

"Go ahead." The figure said.

"I want you to check up on a certain swordsman."

And done. It has been WAY too long since I posted and I apologize. I will try to have another chapter out soon. Until then... BYE!!!

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