chapter two

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it has been 3 months since I've utter a single word to my sister i blame her for the death of our parents. all summer i haven't talk to any of my friends but it looks like today i would have to hear how sorry everyone is i dont like when people tell me how sorry everyone is. that isn't me i haven't had a good night sleep since my parent died. i do have a journal because my parent bought me it before they died they wanted me to become an artist.

dear journal, august 12, 2007

today is the first day of school i haven't talked to anyone since the day of the accident i only talked to my brother because he has had a hard time since the accident. i haven't talked to any of my friends all summer. i miss my old life before the accident with my parents i feel guilty but most of all i feel angry at my sister. my sister tries to talk to me but i ignore her.

"Bonnie is picking us up in a few minutes." Elena shouts from her room.

i put my journal in my bag then change my clothes then curl my hair then grabbed phone and my leather jacket then head downstairs to get a cup of coffee. no one even notice i was down there i heard Bonnie honk i watch aunt Jenna hand Elena and Jeremy money i held my hand out but she just grabbed her things and left. i finish my coffee then rolled my eyes as i walked out the door to climb in the front seat. a few minutes later Elena climbed in the back seat then i felt Bonnie glance back at Elena then at me. it was a awkward 5 minutes of silence.

"so how have you been this summer i haven't seen you?" Bonnie asked, breaking the silence.

i didn't say anything because i didn't want to let out what i was feeling. i just stared out the window but i felt the car swerve when i heard something hit the window.

"what the hell just happened?" i glared at Bonnie.

"I'm sorry it came out of no where." she explained. she then turned around to cheek on Elena.

"I'm fine. i cant be afraid of cars all my life." when i heard her say that i rolled my eyes at the thought of her talking about the accident. "just drive now." i shouted making Bonnie and Elena glare at me but i didn't care i just wanted to get this day over with.

when she parked the car i jumped up i went to the stoner pit where my brother Jeremy hanged out i walked up to him.

"your too young to be smoking this." i said grabbing it out of his hand and held it in mine.

"what the hell?" he smirked at me but realize that i wasn't Elena when i put the joint in my mouth and puffed on it.

when i was smoking i close my eyes taking in the fresh air when someone came up behind me. "what do you think your doing?" a familiar voice said making my eyes open.

"what does it look like I'm doing Tyler?" i whispered turning around to face him.

"so you push away your friends and stopped talking to your sister and picked up smoking pot." he said taking the joint away and Jeremy said something then walked away.

"so what your girlfriend can smoke but when your best friend starts to get high it is a shame?" i asked throwing a dirty smirk at Vickie.

"i am not talking about her I'm talking to you the girl that loved to play football and that worked on cars." he stared at me with a sad look.

"I'm not doing this Tyler if your going to look at me like that." i started walking around him when i felt his hand touch mine. i pulled away and went to class which was Mrs. hicks my English teacher. she was the nicest teacher i had her class for an hour with Matt and Tyler i could feel both of their eyes on me i turned around and sure enough there they were looking at me. "so are you going to try out for the team this year?" Matt asked me breaking the awkward tension between all of us.

Matt thought that i would be good enough to be on the football team. Matt wasn't mad at me for not speaking to him all summer but he was hurting because of Elena broke up with him and told him that she needs space then on top of that i shut him out i felt bad that i shut him out but unlike my sister i did actually need space to be by myself.

i shrugged my shoulders to his question. we were all talking about the possibility of me joining the game. i jumped to the sound of the bell which made Tyler and Matt laugh under their breath. i rolled my eyes. we all went to our second period which was Mr. tanner which was a dick.

after the bell rang we left our first period i needed to go to my locker to put my English book up so i headed to my second class. i walked in and took my seat has i felt everyone's eyes on me. i thought everyone was looking at me but was actually looking behind me which Elena was behind.

i just sat down in my assign seat which was right next to Elena. i just took out my notebook and started drawing something that made me happy. i wasn't really paying attention to class but my phone went off so i grabbed it to see who it was it was bonnie.

from bonnie: the new guy is totally checking you out.

from bonnie: sorry wrong twin.

i glance up from my phone and notice that Elena kept looking behind me i thought maybe she was looking at Matt.

"the battle of willow creek took place at the end of the war in our very own mystic falls. how many casualties resulted in this battle?" Mr. Tanner asked looking around the room.

"Miss Bennett?"

"uh... a lot, I'm not sure but a whole lot." she answered which cause Matt to laugh.

"cute but if it come down to an instant miss Bennett." he smirked. then he spot Matt looking down at his desk.

"Mr. Donovan, would you like to take this opportunity to over come your jock stereotype?" he asked.

"its okay Mr. Tanner I'm cool with it." Matt answered making me giggle.

he then looked at me, "Dina, sure you can enlighten us about the town most sufficient event?"

"uh.. I'm sorry i dont know." i whispered.

"i was willy to give you a break last year for obvious reason Dina, but the personal excuses ended at summer break." he huffed.

"your joking me right?" i questioned him standing up making everyone look at me.

"sit back down Dina." he said.

"hell no," i huffed, "you never gave me a break last year that was Elena you gave a break not me. no one ever cared about how i must be handling the death of my parent which would be dead if Elena would have just been honest with Matt in the first place." i stated glaring over at Elena.

"its your fault they are dead." i said i grabbed my stuff and hurried out of the class room i went to the bathroom to get my face wet to cool down. i heard the bell go off then i went to my locker which Matt was waiting for me at. "I'm sorry Matt i shouldn't have went off like that but i am just tired of no one caring about me the only people know i exist is you and tyler." i said opening my locker then i notice bonnie walking over to me.

"what the hell was that in class?" she asked me as i put my history book away then close my locker.

"like you give a shit." i replied walking away from her.

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