Chapter 10

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         Neveah's POV

        As soon as we sat down with the food three sets of eyes automatically locked themselves on me. "What?" I asked. "We want some answers," Tyler answered. "Can I at least eat first?" I pleaded. "Ugh fine." We passed the food around in silence. All of a sudden Aaron starts firing questions at me, Liam, and Tyler. "Slow down!" all three us yelled at the same time "Fine, I'll start with Tyler. How do you know Neveah?"

            Tyler's POV

          I wanted to tell them how I really knew her..but I didn't want her to hate me for telling them the real story. I looked over at her and silently pleaded with my eyes to have her permission to tell them and she gave me the go ahead sign. "Well.. ",I explained,"I wasn't lying when I said the thing about the soccer teams. Except Neveah happens to be really good at soccer and she stole the ball from Peter Smith. Needless to say him and Chris Stanley..his partner.. went bizarre on her and started beating her up. So I ended up almost killing them because he beat up a girl for crying out loud..then carried her to the nurses office because she had blacked out and she freaked when she realized what I did to them. However, Neveah, you already had bruises in your face before today and I want to know why."

            Neveah's POV

         'Oh shit now they want to know why I already had bruises. Can I tell them about my mom? Will they sympathize or think I'm just a weak little girl?' "Um..well.." I stuttered out, "uh I don't really know how to tell you." "Tell us what?" Liam asked. "Um well I can't tell you..that's it I can't." Tyler looked like he was going to pry some more but Aaron spoke up and said,"Oh that's okay it's your business and you hardly know us. You can decide when you're ready to tell us."

          'Oh thank god they didn't start prying like I thought they would.' Then I heard Tyler ask Liam how he knew me.

                Liam's POV

             Okay now my turn to tell my part of the story. "Well, this girl was running down the hall and almost ran into me and when I yelled at her to slow down she turned around and looked at me and she was I followed her to the girls locker room and looked for her until I found her sitting by herself and we just started talking. Then you texted me about skipping so I asked her if she wanted to go and long story short she said no so I kidnapped her."

             Aaron's POV

            'Wow I can hardly believe these stories they're telling me. In one she got beat up and was crying in the other. They're both hiding parts of the story from me though. They both keep looking down at her wrist..the one that's covered. Wait a minute' I quickly grabbed Neveah's hand with the covered wrist and she just as quickly pulled it back. "What do you think you are doing!?" she yelled at me her face red with anger. "Let me see your wrist," I answered calmly. "And if I refuse?" she asked. I smirked at her and quickly grabbed her hand again..more tightly this time though..and succeeded in ripping the glove off.

                Neveah's POV

             'Shit shit shit shit. Now they all know about my scars and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out I had just cut recently by the pinkish skin around the already forming scar. Now they're just going to ignore me and treat me like a freak like Andrew did.' I looked up at Tyler's and Aaron's faces and I couldn't read what was there. "Shit.." I heard Aaron murmur under his breath. Then they all looked at me simultaneously. 'Great I'm screwed. Just when I thought I had friends they're all going to ignore me and treat me like a freak and/or tell everyone my secret. F*ck my life.'

----How'd you like this chapter guys? Left you with a cliffhanger and a question. Who's Andrew you ask? Well you're just going to have to keep reading my book! I'm seriously tying to update every day but its just hard because I get busy or am to tired to do it..or I just plain have writers block! So pretty pretty please don't give up on my story before its done. Love y'all I'll try and update again tomorrow!!----


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